Wednesday, 29 July 2020
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"One of the most powerful tools within us is our power of imagination. When developed, it is the lever that opens the perception of the past, present, and future. To hide its true nature people have hidden imagination behind diverting words like "clairvoyance, vipashyana, visions, prophecy, remote viewing, third eye, extrasensory perception," etc., but every one of these is nothing more than imagination in some form or another. Significantly, imagination is a polarity with many levels of development: the higher forms are positive, and the lower forms are negative. Believe it or not, you use them every single day, but without awareness of it. When you change that, you change your life. In this lecture, we will discuss the five primary forms of imagination, and practical exercises to develop our meditation practice effectively.

"When I asked earlier if you can remember what you had for breakfast, just remember that for a moment. Does it take effort? Does it take any effort to remember what you ate? No, right? Can you see the picture? Your eyes are open, but you can still see the image. Even if it is just a little flash, you can recall what was on your plate or what you had in your hand. Did you have coffee? There is a little picture that shows up: that is imagination. The goal then is to extend that ability, so that when you recall the image, it lasts longer, is brighter, clearer, and yet just as effortless. There is a fancy word for that ability: it is clairvoyance. Clairvoyance just means "clear seeing" in French; it is just another word for imagination.


2: "Every day, develop your meditative visualization. Adopt a meditation posture, relax completely, then focus 100% attention on your visualized object.

"What is the proof of that? You can prove it right now: where are your thoughts? You can experience your thoughts, you can perceive your thoughts, but not with your physical senses. They do exist, they are happening, but not physically. They are registered in the brain, the brain senses them, the brain translates them, but we do not perceive them with any physical sense. They are happening in the other dimensions. This is the case with emotions as well. What about dreams? We perceive dreams, but not through our physical senses. What if I ask you to tell me or to remember what you had for breakfast? The image comes there, right? You see the image? You see your breakfast? That is not physical, but you can see it. Remember your car? Remember who you live with? Remember your house? Remember your room? Those images are there, but they are not physical. The Tree of Life maps that for us.

So here if am correct, to be a Clairvoyant or a Polivoyant does not signify that you will be a successful meditator, with Clairvoyant you are mainly perceiving with your consciousness things that are outside of us, not just physically but also the other dimensions of nature like the 4,5,6 and 7th dimensions etc. And the same with Polivoyance, with these practice one is able percieve everything and everywhere at ONCE, whether it is in these dimension or any other dimensions. So still perceiving things OUTSIDE of us, so when it comes to meditation, we speak mainly on imagining and strengthening those mental images of the Brain that we percieve when one is drowsy, so most of these is having to learn how to percieve with the conscious what is going on, in the world of our physical brain, rather than perceiving anything outside of us, So one is seeing or visualizing the world of the physical brain or our THOUGHTS in our brain and learning how to judge our bad deeds that we do during the daytime, and in turn making pledges to do better next time around. These is how I would describe the difference between a meditation practice and Clairvoyant/Polivoyant viewing.
But am I right? I leave it up to the instructors to guide me on these one, "the main difference between a meditation practice and Clairvoyant/Polivoyant viewing?
3 years ago
Profound meditation is a combination of concentration and imagination.

Imagination is perception of non-physical imagery. This occurs in levels, beginning with the perception of our own psychology through self-observation.

We develop imagination as we observe our own thoughts, feelings, and impulses, which are not physical, but internal, astral, mental.

We practice concentration so we can stabilize our consciousness to focus serenely on one thing, with the purpose of perceiving its internal significance through the faculty of imagination.

Polyvoyance is more developed. It is intuitive clairvoyance, whereby we perceive and immediately comprehend what we perceive. This is well explained in the Meditation Essentials course I linked for you.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

3 years ago
Something useful.

"It is pleasant and interesting to attend the meditation halls (Gnostic sanctuaries) any time one is able to do so.

It is essential to always practice meditation with closed eyes so as to avoid external sensory perceptions.
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