By Emmanuel on Friday, 17 July 2020
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"Hitler understood these things. This is why he chose the swastika as the symbol of his party. However, Hitler let himself be dazzled by the “man with the green gloves” who belonged to the Drukpa clan. This man was the one who taught Hitler to crystallize everything negatively.

Audience: Related with Hell and Nirvana, what can you tell us about Hitler and Mahatma Gandhi [inaudible]?

Instructor: Good question. How can we understand the difference between Hitler and Gandhi politically, in relation with Heaven and Hell? Well, that’s a whole lecture. The simple answer that comes to my mind is that each of those men utilized their energy and created certain results. Both of them had good intentions. It is hard for us to understand that nowadays, because we think that Hitler was just pure evil. But, he actually had good intentions, and in the beginning, he did a lot of good things for the German people. He made some good steps. I am not saying he was a good person, what I am saying is that intentions are irrelevant. Our intentions make no difference in the eyes of the law, in the eyes of how nature manages energy. Listen, you can mean well, but if you shoot somebody and kill them, you have killed them. Even if it was accidental, the person is dead, you cannot change that. There is a consequence for that. So, intentions mean nothing. In relation with these two men, we can see that both were managing a great deal of energy, using their consciousness to manage forces. The only way they could do that is by having knowledge, Gnosis. Each had a certain amount of knowledge; neither one had the whole path. Neither one had the entire teaching. They had enough to make a big impact. But here is the difference, as I see it, between these two: Gandhi relied on the guidance of God, while Hitler did not. Gandhi humbled himself before his own Divinity, and Hitler relied on himself. This is an example that we can learn from.

Going further, the question is specifically about politics. Politics, groups, and movements are necessary for humanity, because through them we are organized and receive guidance and instruction; this is what we need. Groups and movements exist throughout the levels of nature, not just physically. There are groups and movements in hell, and there are groups and movements in heaven - beings who vibrate at those levels of nature, whose consciousness belongs in those realms, and they belong to certain groups. Yet, in the superior levels of nature, no one appoints themselves to be in charge of a certain group. Leadership happens because of natural consequences, because of cause and effect. Gandhi the simple man became Gandhi the national leader not because he wanted it, but because he followed what he was guided to do by his Innermost, through his heart, prayer, meditation, and his sense of what was right and wrong. Hitler, on the other hand, was guided by ambition. It might have been ambition with good intentions for the Germans, but it was ambition nonetheless. You see, Gandhi did not have that ambition. He tried many times to leave the national stage, but he could not escape it.

My question is, how would've Hitler have known these knowledge, these wisdom, if the whole path to Liberation had not been taught publicly by Master Samael Aun Weor, I mean with Ghandi, one would say he's traditional religions PROBABLY spilled some light on how to observe he's sexual energy, but with Hitler besides reading some cult works, like for instance Blavatskys "The secret doctrine", there was no way for he to know anything about chastity, because the gospel of the entire path had not been publicly revealed. So it makes wonder if he was an awakened black magician who attended black masses and was taught both kinds of alchemy, black and white and later on decided to practice black magic.

"Hitler understood these things. This is why he chose the swastika as the symbol of his party. However, Hitler let himself be dazzled by the “man with the green gloves” who belonged to the Drukpa clan. This man was the one who taught Hitler to crystallize everything negatively.

My question is how would he have known these things if the entire knowledge had not been laid out? Only if he was an awakened black magician, then that would make sense?
In that era, the path was taught secretly by esoteric groups, and not completely, but only in small steps.
3 years ago
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Or, okay thanks.
3 years ago
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