By Emmanuel on Wednesday, 15 July 2020
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With all of the Egos being eliminated from our psyche, when does the ego of lust completely, 100% die in stages of initiations, "is it after the first mountain?
Read The Three Mountains. He is still discussing lust in the chapters on the Third Mountain.
4 years ago
0 Votes
Okay, will do.
4 years ago
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First Mountain: creation of the solar bodies. If one takes the direct path, then that initiate achieves the Venustic Initiations and works with the serpents of light.

Second Mountain: descent into hell for the complete annihilation of the ego and the resurrection within the nine heavens. Afterwards one achieves marriage or unity with Binah.

Third Mountain: the perfection of the highest sephiroth of the Tree of Life and entrance into the Ain Soph: the Absolute.

"So you say the Master speaks about LUST in the pages regarding the THIRD MOUNTAIN but here Alexis; it seems that actually the complete annihilation of LUST is dealt with when one descends into hell with the intentions of "completing and annihilating" its Egos, (So would accepting the Second Mountain as my answer, sound reasonable). "why would anyone still be battling LUST, I mean that battle was of the SECOND MOUNTAIN, and if you may know, what does it mean when an initiate is said to be beyond good and evil, "does these mean that they can not be held accountable for any sin or what?
4 years ago
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The path is not as simple as a few sentences make it sound.

These questions require much meditation to answer.
4 years ago
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Okay, ?.
4 years ago
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These was so helpful;

"All of the efforts made by Prophets, Avatars and Gods in order to end the harmful consequences of the Kundabuffer Organ have been in vain.

It is necessary to know that the Kundabuffer Organ is the negative development of the fire. This is the descending serpent, which precipitates itself from the coccyx downwards, towards the atomic infernos of the human being.

The Kundabuffer Organ is the horrifying tail of Satan, which is shown in the “body of desires” of the intellectual animal, who in the present times is falsely called “man.”

What is worst, which hurts the soul the most, is to know that the ones who gave the Kundabuffer Organ to this humanity were some sacred individuals.

Ancient traditions state that during the Lemurian epoch certain sacred individuals came to the Earth in a cosmic astro-ship.

These individuals were forming a very high sacred Commission which was entrusted with studying the evolving and devolving problems of the Earth and its humanity.

The Archangel Sakaki and the Principal Archphysicist and Universal-Common-Chemist Angel Looisos were the two main individuals from this holy divine Commission.

This sacred Commission of ineffable beings is behind the whole drama of Eden. They came with bodies of flesh and bones; their ship landed on Lemuria.

- Samael Aun Weor
3 years ago
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Therefore I will meditate about these, Alexis and my being will reveal to me what the answer to these should be, "regarding those Gods who are beyond good and evil?
3 years ago
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