By zero on Saturday, 11 July 2020
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When the consciousness enters into devolution, having spent their last opportunities in the humanoid kingdom, do these reincorporate within the bodies of higher animals such as lions, hyenas, birds of prey, buffalo etc before enter into the more simple animal bodies as they devolve further into the lower kingdoms? Some of these animals on our planet are going through tremendous suffering and in some cases causing a lot of chaos within their kingdoms.

If so how do the ascending, evolving essence within those kingdoms face the devolving forces within their groups, if there are lions for example which are housing the devolving and evolving essence, would there not be anomalous personalities such as abnormally ferocious lions which do not follow the same instincts as the evolving lions? To my understanding the instincts in the evolving group would be driven by the monad... correct? In the devolving animal what is the driver of their instincts?

For us right now our awareness is quite limited due to our conditioning, however we feel a presence here in this body that gives us a sense of myself and we can become aware of our being, our perceptions and this body. In the devolving essence is there any sense of awareness as one unit as we feel here in this body or is it a type of unconsciousness that's far deeper than our current state?

Since entering into the humanoid kingdom of 108 lives, does the essence ever go into the animal bodies, perhaps due to karma before entering into another human body?

If one has exhausted their last humanoid birth and is destined to enter into the devolving animal kingdom, will the devolving essence have any more chances of redemption afterwards? If so how many lives initially would they be granted?

Why is it that some quite superior animals are going into extinction?
1. it depends on the karma. usually, the descent is quite complicated and the egos are dispersed into many bodies. We are not individuals.

2. animals have animal instinct, whether evolving or devolving.

3. animals have collective mind, not individual mind. since we are animals too, we do not have individual mind. What we think is "me" is an illusion created by the personality and our brain.

4. with nature, there are infinite possibilities. it all depends on karma.

5. again, it depends on karma.

6. because their cycle is completed. those essences are moving on internally.
4 years ago
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