By hawiwiya on Friday, 19 October 2012
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will we ever see our dead loved ones? I'm looking for Bible scriptures and lectures.
I do not know about any relevant Bible quotes, but Samael Aun Weor addressed the question several times, especially in the book Beyond Death.

There exist different secrets in order to converse with the souls of the dead; i.e. place in a room the picture of your deceased beloved, and every night, at midnight, enter the room. Put next to the picture the favorite food that your deceased beloved liked the most; serve the food on the same plates that the deceased used; light a candle and call him/her three times by his name. Then, sit next to the picture and start to meditate personally on the life of the defunct one, his/her history, imagining what he/she was when he/she was alive; until you fall asleep. Every night you can perform the experiment at the same hour, in the same room, and seated on the same chair and in the same place, until you can see, hear, and converse personally with the deceased. What is important is that you are able to fall asleep in the moments in which you are meditating on the life of the defunct. So, in the moment of slumber, the deceased will appear and you can converse with him/her personally.

This is not Spiritism, but practical magic. The important thing is for you to have a lot of faith, patience, and much constancy. If you do not get weary, in the end, one given night, the soul of the beloved one will appear and then you will have the pleasure of conversing with the beloved relative that has departed to the beyond; what is important is to see, hear, touch and perceive him/her.

In the East, there exists a cave where those who want to see Buddha enter in order to invoke him. On a certain occasion, a Chinese man who wanted to see Buddha entered the cave and invoked him, yet the Buddha did not appear; thus the man swore that he would never abandon the cave until the Buddha appeared before him. Thus, the man endured many days desperately calling the Buddha, until finally the Buddha appeared in the middle of the cave filled with light and beauty. Then the Buddha blessed the man, and he left the cave very happy. So, this is the same system of invocation used in order to see the souls of the dead and to converse with them.
11 years ago
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