By Someone on Saturday, 11 April 2020
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Those who enter into the path of the Self-realization of the Being use the cross as a means to accelerate the development of the Soul; while the mechanical process of the evolution of humanity takes extended ages to develop the Soul, the Initiate does this work in a matter of a few years.

Each age of development processes in accordance with the levels of nature. Currently, humanity is developing in the terrestrial or material level, at the end of which the Divine Soul (Geburah) is unified with the Innermost (Chesed/Gedulah, the Spirit). In the Initiate, this same work is accomplished through the First Initiation of Major Mysteries, which corresponds to the Kundalini of the physical body.

Doesn't this imply that the soul can also be formed by nature?
Geburah and Gedulah combining is a result of white tantra, the only method to do so.
The text above seems misleading to me as it implies that mechanical nature can, eventually, develop the soul, something that the Master has often spoken against.
You are correct. That lecture was by a guest instructor who made a mistake. We fixed it. Thank you!
4 years ago
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Well spotted both of you - Thank you.
4 years ago
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