By Warquarius: Age of Revolution(W.A.R.) on Wednesday, 08 April 2020
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My question is how does karma relate to the sincerely mistaken ones?

I noticed that there are many parallels to the process of acquiring of gnosis and to the process of just simply maturing naturally.
For example, how a child becomes an adult. The child wakes up in (or acquires gnosis of) the adult world, and does this through stages, just as there are levels of spiritual realizations.
Is the process of maturing from a child to an adult analogous to the process of maturing over lifetimes through the various kingdoms? So then karma is what we need to mature?

It is what we created for ourself and so it is exactly what we need to overcome? Maybe it takes the spark lifetimes of going through the natural process of maturing, which acts as a means (some sort of alchemical buffer) of the consciousness to later go through the process of awakening spiritually?

So then if this is so… are the sincerely mistaken people the ones who wake up in their natural biological matured personality (or ego), which is to just simply grow up from a child to an adult and not see that as a metaphor of growing from the alchemical vessle into the spiritual world? It is to miss the symbolic meaning of the universe itself... My question is about the sincerely mistaken ones? Who are they? Are they the ones who grew up and know not what life is, except from the perspective of how the human matures from birth to death. Is this why sin is to miss the mark? And our karma is getting us to hit the mark? or am i the sincerely mistaken one!!! i suppose if we are all hasnamuss, we are all sincerely mistaken!!
Everything in nature recapitulates. We repeat many processes in our humanoid existences that are mimicked in the elemental kingdoms of minerals, plants, and animals. To understand the parallels, meditate on your growth and development as a fetus, then a child, until finally becoming an adult.

While this process relates to previous evolutions, the reality is that as intellectual humanoids, we grow physically and mature as a personality, yet remain asleep and unconscious as an Essence. Physical development does not parallel or equate with awakened consciousness. There are sleeping children and awake parents. There are awakened children and sleeping parents, spiritually-speaking. What matters is the conscious works and voluntary sufferings we put forward so as to develop the consciousness, no matter the age.

Karma, however, is medicine. Without it, we would never learn responsibility or ethics, since degeneration and evil would be permitted to continue. Divinity respects free will, but does not allow the soul to remain ignorant of higher laws and to continue harming others without consequences. If divinity did not do this, He would be a tyrant, which is an impossibility, since the Being is love.

Many times we will only learn valuable lessons through tremendous pain. Sadly, many people suffer in life, argue, blaspheme, and protest against God, ignoring that they simply receive the fruit of their own behaviors, mind-stream, and actions.

Sincerely mistaken people are the Fools of the Tarot: individuals who think they know the mysteries of life, death, and God, and yet who do not. This pretty much encompasses everyone. While we are mistaken in many regards, we do have the Gnostic teachings, yet this is no guarantee of success. It simply means we have knowledge to aid us in liberation, yet whether we follow through with divinity's efforts to transform us, is another thing.
4 years ago
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