By Awareness on Wednesday, 18 March 2020
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Dear Instructors,

I have read on the website that Samael opened the last of the seven seals.

Since the world at the moment is in crisis. Is this the Armageddon time/ end of this current human race?

Or are we not yet there and is there still time to build a true human being?
When Samael Aun Weor was teaching in the 60's and 70's, he explained humanity was already at its end. What we are witnessing is an acceleration of that process.

However, do not be timid, afraid, or filled with despair, since these trials are the means by which Christ tests His disciples, to see whether or not we are serious in the great work of the Father. Meditate daily, comprehend your faults, and work to eliminate desire. In this way, while humanity increases its suffering, we can gain self-knowledge and the means to evade pain. So long as we have the means to meditate, transmute, and work upon ourselves, we have opportunities to turn and keep the law in our favor. This is well explained in The Aquarian Message by Samael Aun Weor.
4 years ago
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Thank you
4 years ago
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