By Jeanette Foster on Tuesday, 17 March 2020
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I have given blessed berries to my family. I now have decided to stop working because of the spread of the virus to try to prevent it from silently infecting others since my job is not feasible to keep 6ft from other people with the social distancing. Now I'm curious if there is a way to utilize the juniper berry from a distance to help those who I can't currently give the berries to. I did see that in Esoteric Medicine and Practical Magic that there is a procedure for distance healing. Is this a possibility to use the juniper berries in this way or would you need an actual juniper plant to do that?
The consumed juniper berries provide a defense against infection. I do not know if it will work remotely.

We suggested using aloe to help those who are sick.
4 years ago
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Ok. Thank you Alexis!
4 years ago
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