By Kay on Sunday, 02 February 2020
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Why are there certain people who are just cringe and annoying? Yes you might say it is an ego which makes me or whoever annoyed. But right some people find certain people annoying due to their ego and of course other people without this certain ego don't find them annoying. But that's not what I mean, I mean those people who are really just annoying, who you can tell from a mile away that they are irritating. Yes its still our ego but still why does a person have this mark? Their karma?
A general Gnostic rule in the Gnostic esoteric work is that when we do have a point of contention with another person, we can be certain that this is the very thing against which we must work on within ourselves. Whatever it is that we criticize so much in others is something which lies on the dark side of ourselves, and which we neither know nor want to recognize.
4 years ago
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