By Glorian Publishing on Thursday, 20 September 2012
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We have a family member who continues to lie and use drugs.

Did Master Samael teach any methods that could
be employed to help loved ones interact more healthily with a sick family member or friend?

I recall one which involved the use of incense at night, while the loved one is asleep... but I have lost track of where he teaches this.

We are wondering if you could direct us to as much information on this topic as realistically possible while remaining under the auspices of this genuine Gnostic school.

Master Samael Aun Weor wrote two books specifically for this purpose: "Fundamentals of Gnostic Education," which entails Gnostic pedagogy and instruction for parents, family and youth, as well as "Fundamental Notions of Endocrinology and Criminology," specifically the second part of the text. We recommend you acquire these books, or if you have them already, study them profoundly.

Incense and aromatherapy is marvelous. You can also place sulfur in a small vial or jar under his or her bed at night, so that the vital and astral fumes eradicate any larvae or negativity that might be infected this person while he or she is asleep.

Instructing this person with delicacy, awareness, sweetness and love about the mysteries of Gnosticism, Hermetic Philosophy, Kabbalah, Astrology, Theosophy, Rosicrucianism, etc., can help to reform delinquents. One needs a thorough pedagogy as taught in the books of the Master, specifically in the first two books I've referenced, along with a lot of ethical discipline, patience and love.

The book "Esoteric Medicine and Practical Magic" can also provide remedies for bodily and psychic cleansing. If your loved one becomes comfortable with receiving more direct help and allows him or herself to be assisted through magical practice, you can perform some of the esoteric exercises mentioned in that book, such as having this person bathe in aromatic herbs, working with the Masters of Medicine for healing, etc. This text has marvelous anecdotes for many problems, so you should take the time to look for anything that specifically applies to your loved one, whether it is in relation to alcoholism, drugs, or health problems as a result of addiction, etc.

We wish you all the best in your endeavors to assist your loved one. May Christ be with you and your family, now and always.
11 years ago
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