By Arachnid on Thursday, 12 December 2019
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I don't really care if it was or was not a former life of Samael Aun Weor. Doesn't matter to me either way. However, he doesn't go in depth and obviously doesn't illuminate the event with imagines or in a historical sense(which would make it resonate more powerfully for me). I on the other hand, am interested in Caesar's life and death for its own sake.

Dante speaks of traitors being sent to the ninth sphere, where he places Brutus, Cassius, and Judas(unrelated presently). Which I think Samael disagrees and sees the three traitors as Pilate(possibly referenced in the divine comedy as a fence-sitter, accused of the "great refusal" of duty in the 3rd sphere; if not, he is otherwise unmentioned), Judas, and Caiphas(who Dante places else where in the inferno, namely, with the hypocrites in the 8th sphere, sub-circle 6).

My question is, can tremendous knowledge be gained from a deeper understanding of the narrative, the life and death, the story of Julius Caesar, regarding a transformation of the consciousness through imagining and penetrating the Mythos revolving around this figure? Certainly, it would ecstatic and is less convoluted than the story of Christ regarding betrayal, since Judas was simply following a script (according to Gnostic wisdom), where with Caesar the perpetrators of the great assassination were not following a script(I presume because if it was a script Samael surely would have mentioned it), but even if they were also following a script: I've spent so much time imagining the death, descent into hell, resurrection, and ascension into heaven of Jesus while awake, that I have seen it in my dreams, in ways I will never forget, without forcing in any way or controlling it; to where currently I am not terribly interested in consciously imagining these things over and over again. That is not to say I don't realize there is much more wisdom to be gathered from that activity, and it is almost certain I will return to it.

I would like to explore Samael's "Treason" in the "Mystery of the Golden Blossom," Dante's treatment of these traitors in the "Divine Comedy", Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar", and also learn about it from a historical perspective.

Images speak more profoundly to my consciousness, than just digesting the declarations of Samael Aun Weor, and I was just curious if this is deemed a worthwhile endeavor, since I respect your opinions on this matter.
Yes, you can gain more understanding through studying those things, but more so if you are meditating and investigating those principles through dream yoga.

Study and practice, knowledge and being, must be balanced to produce comprehension.
4 years ago
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