By John on Sunday, 08 December 2019
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Do you recommend the excersize with the needle at the end of the lesson or I should focus more on the relaxation excersize, improve my concentration and do the the small prayer he recommended?

And if I feel like I need or someone else needs something specific, what is better, positive thoughts, like "I/he have/has a good job, health, friends, a spouse etc" or to pray to our Being for it? I usually do both, which leads to my next question about karma: If we need something specific, do we need to provide for someone this specific thing in order for us to deserve it or any good actions could help us get what we need?

The problem is, that when we do not have something, it is because our actions led us not having it, and there are psychological defects behind it, and the repetition of certain erroneous actions over and over led me in a situation, where I need to try hard to do something that is normally not that hard. But I do not know, which defects are behind this, so I need help from the divine to help me move on and buy me some time, until I can comprehend my situation. In theory it is clear, what I need to do, which is be more conscious of my actions, observe my self, but I do not really do these things, as if I "like" my situation and my suffering.
First relax, pray, then concentrate on the needle.

Empty your mind of thought and pray to your Innermost to show you what you must do to receive assistance and guidance.

Regarding selfless service and how to earn dharma, see the Bhavachakra lecture below.
4 years ago
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