By Tristitia on Thursday, 31 October 2019
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Greetings instructors,

Today I have some simple questions.

Does sexual intercourse between cousins count as incest and is it possible that
a cousin could be one's soulmate? Would something superior ever allow such things
to happen?

Not saying that it ever came to that point, mainly because it's not considered normal.
But there was a point where we both felt a strong love and attraction towards each
other. But our families made it clear to us that it isn't normal and shouldn't be encouraged.

Nothing in this world could describe how much I would do for this connection. I would not only
easily sacrifice my own life in front of hers, but the lives of others as well, if I ever had to do so.
Nobody has ever been able to come anywhere near that.

Best Regards
Yes, sexual relations between cousins counts as incest.

There have been terrible karmic situations, such as the case of Tchaikovsky, whose alchemical partner from previous lives was born in a male body.

Because they were both men, they could never be together, which was a source of tremendous pain and suffering for them both.

Tchaikovsky still was close friends with this other initiate, but could never have an alchemical relationship. This is why today there is so much confusion and belief that Tchaikovsky was homosexual, built off of rumor and gossip about his friend.

They were close, but Tchaikovsky, being a master of major mysteries, never entered sexual relations with this man. That is propaganda of the black lodge to discredit the doctrine.
4 years ago
0 Votes
Thank you for your answer Almustafa!

I also want to thank you for the example you gave
me as it gives me the inspiration to explore the
origin of the bonds that I have.

I dreamt about reading a reply from here last night,
so this will be noted in my journal as well.
4 years ago
0 Votes

May I ask who the name of Tchaikovsky's alchemical partner was?

I have read so many articles that have tried to paint Tchaikovsky as a closet homosexual, but the evidence is slim, and I can only see particular quotations from his diaries about various men that can most certainly be taken out of line: it seems like a very big stretch, as can be seen here:

[quoteIn one letter the composer wrote of encountering a “youth of stunning beauty”, continuing: “After our walk, I offered him some money, which was refused. He does it for the love of art and adores men with beards.”

Russian-born Kostalevsky, who is associate professor of Russian at Bard College, in New York state, said: “This passage has not been included in either the abridged version of the letters printed in Russian editions, or in one English translation.”

In another previously omitted passage, the composer told of a homosexual acquaintance: “Petashenka used to drop by with the criminal intention of observing the Cadet Corps, which is right opposite our windows, but I’ve been trying to discourage these compromising visits – and with some success.”]

Why would Russia censor this? I do not understand and find all this speculation very confusing.

I have loved Tchaikovsky for a long time, and he has helped me understand deeply Christ. It is baffling to even think of this man as homosexual.

Is it also true that Oscar Wilde was homosexual? Or was this false?

Kind regards.
3 years ago
0 Votes
" Is it also true that Oscar Wilde was homosexual? Or was this false?"

I find in his work a lot of beautiful wisdom, but could you help me understand whether he was a degenerate or not? It always seems otherwise to me!

Kind regards

3 years ago
0 Votes
See the article below regarding biographical accounts of Tchaikovsky’s life. Rather than become confused by speculation, investigate this composer in the internal worlds and learn what his music represents. Then you won’t be confused. As for Oscar Wilde, many agree he was a homosexual. Samael Aun Weor references his book, The Picture of Dorian Gray, from which one can derive a powerful moral. There is evil in the good, and good within evil. Discriminate with intelligence so as to be above good and evil!
3 years ago
0 Votes
Yes, sexual relations between cousins counts as incest.

There have been terrible karmic situations, such as the case of Tchaikovsky, whose alchemical partner from previous lives was born in a male body.

Because they were both men, they could never be together, which was a source of tremendous pain and suffering for them both.

Tchaikovsky still was close friends with this other initiate, but could never have an alchemical relationship. This is why today there is so much confusion and belief that Tchaikovsky was homosexual, built off of rumor and gossip about his friend.

They were close, but Tchaikovsky, being a master of major mysteries, never entered sexual relations with this man. That is propaganda of the black lodge to discredit the doctrine.

Hi, I wanted to question something rather terrifying. I have a somali background and so marrying ones cousins is a normal custom. My maternal grandparents are in-fact cousins. Am I born with a greater deal of karma considering this? And also if I may ask, does the karma decrease the more 'distant' the cousins are in the genepool/bloodline?
3 years ago
0 Votes
There is always some form of karma in relation to our family inheritance, including incestuous ones. As to what that is, and to what intensity and degree, you will need to investigate in the internal worlds, because there are many more factors involved with an individual's trajectory than just their ancestors' bloodline.

So long as you have consciousness, you have the freedom to work, awaken, and sacrifice for humanity regardless of your karma and inheritance. Even if born into the worst families, many people have advanced their physical and spiritual lives because of conscious choices, not their upbringing and desires.
3 years ago
0 Votes
There is always some form of karma in relation to our family inheritance, including incestuous ones. As to what that is, and to what intensity and degree, you will need to investigate in the internal worlds, because there are many more factors involved with an individual's trajectory than just their ancestors' bloodline.

So long as you have consciousness, you have the freedom to work, awaken, and sacrifice for humanity regardless of your karma and inheritance. Even if born into the worst families, many people have advanced their physical and spiritual lives because of conscious choices, not their upbringing and desires.

Thank you for the help sir
3 years ago
0 Votes
What about second cousins?
2 years ago
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Is this a hypothetical or personal question? Because the bottom line for any personal question is to comprehend lust regardless of whom we may be lusting after.

Learn to differentiate between lust and love and you will not be confused.
2 years ago
0 Votes
It's a hypothetical question It's confusing because in Leviticus, among the relatives God forbids us to have sexual relations with, cousins of any kind are not stated. So where is the threshold?
2 years ago
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The hour has arrived to abandon theories and go directly to what is practical. -Samael Aun Weor, Practical Astrology
How are you going to awaken your consciousness through hypotheticals? If this question truly compels you, then you need to ask it of your Innermost.
2 years ago
0 Votes
Are only those who have seen worthy of teaching or can a hypothesis yet to be investigated be passed down to someone else to investigate so he can reap the benefits if it turns out to be true?
2 years ago
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Hello Kevin,

You will know what is true from what is false by communicating with your Innermost. That is the most beneficial knowledge, because it is directly experienced. We do not want students to be dependent on instructors, but to learn to investigate these realities for oneself, regardless of what anyone believes, hypothesizes, or presumes.
2 years ago
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