By Elliott on Thursday, 03 October 2019
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Charity isn't sustainable, for you to continuously be able to give provisions you need a sustainable business, however what happens when the devil shows you how to reduce climate change by creating a business, do you do it?

There's lots of people who are doing things that bring good to the world but are also just continuing the samsara cycle, it appears that sitting back and doing nothing is the best way to approach things if you want to play it safe, but are egos want to get involved in what we think makes the world better.

Elon Musk I'll use as an example, he's a great guy and is doing a lot of good for the planet, however even when he was sick in the hospital close to death he said he wouldn't pray to god because god doesn't exist. He survived and creates these giant companies, which have been created by him rarely sleeping/ resting, never meditating but always in deep thought/ problem solving/ engineering mindsets, all tools of the ego. Also on top of that he strategically boosted his brands by boosting his public appearance. Not every company does the founder or CEO become so famous, but he did and tries to, he goes on big interviews, he plays the hero and he gets more support and it helps him sell more Teslas, in the end the cars are better for the environment and his money goes to saving trapped kids in caves and continueing humanity's samsara on mars.

What do we make of this, should we follow his path or avoid this behavior by sitting back and letting things be as they are.
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? —Mark 8:36
Even good egos need to die. This is why the path of the Superman is beyond good and evil.
4 years ago
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How should we conduct businesses, even a church is a business, it needs tithe to pay for the electricity, you need donations to pay for your domain. If we expect to fix our climate issues we will need participation in both private and governmental sectors, both of which are ego operated. It's seems like a loose loose situation, where if we want to do what's right we do nothing. In the end if we all never did anything the world would be a much better place. Every terrible thing in the world was led by a person believing that they were doing the right thing, many of which they the were guided by god. Even Hitler thought he was doing the right thing, he started off by reading Helenia Blavoski and getting emerged into Hinduism.

How can we tell whether what we want to do for humanity is out of ego or inner self. I want to create a business that gets involved in environmental restoration, i don't believe the desire comes from the ego, but the work is definetly ego operated. Even at Glorian Publishing, an ego must facilitate the mechanics of the organization even if the organization purpose comes from the innermost.

I'm worried that my business will loose itself from the innermost and only operate under the mechanics of the ego, especially if operated as a cooperative organization, then all members have a democratic position, it's not possible then to guide your business by the innermost.
4 years ago
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I am new to gnosis, but I am an entrepreneur. I feel like starting and building businesses is what I am here to do for my vocation. I don't see it as a greed thing any more than working for someone else is. It's just a different path.

It's a tool. It's not inherently anything, it becomes what we make it. I know at the buddhist center I have been to they speak about everything being "empty" in reality but we put our own interpretations on it. People today demonize business and entrepreneurship the same way they do religion and government. None of those are evil in themselves, it's the people that make them evil.

It is just another test, another ordeal. I feel that it is more challenging than a job for many reasons - and I feel that the experience is more enriching for that reason.

I have so much to learn on every level, but I do hope this helps. I feel like entrepreneurship is the way I can express my best to the world. My goals are to create jobs, reduce poverty, use my own income for good, and use this experience to see clearly - to see reality. I should add, I have been doing this for several years and my income is actually lower now than at any other point in my adult life, which has made me have to learn to be more humble and appreciate what I have. I get to be with my 2 children more than most working folks because I run my business from my home, and I have also refused to compromise on things like health, family, and now trying to get closer to God through Gnosis - which to me feels like the right path, even though I am living very modestly and have been struggling for almost a year now.

Perhaps I could be making more, but again to me it is just a tool - an instrument through which you can express your innermost. The challenge is relating to the power that it can hold - you really do become much more accountable for your own life and how you choose to live it.

I'd love to hear more thoughts from people more advanced in the study of Gnosis on this.
4 years ago
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