By Elliott on Thursday, 03 October 2019
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Please give me any input you have regarding our societies spiritual journey and it's relationship with democracy and socialism. Not sure how to word what I'm thinking regarding this topic but I'm worried it's something bad/ chaotic, yet I can't see any better political or economical options. We prefer socialism over capitalism and democracy over dictatorships, but maybe social democracy will be the frame work of the new world order. Our bible prophecizes that the end times will have immense knowledge available, one government, and one currency (probs a crypto). In my perspective it seems we will try to democratize the world, however slip back into communism via technology being our guiding ruler. We today use technology to guide all our decisions in life, business, political, environmental, etc. As we give birth to AI, are dependence on technology will only increase, we could lie to ourselves and say we are democratic, but in reality we will have AI/ technology guide society making more of an illusion of social democracy but really communism. Was Jesus was a communist, i don't have much reasoning for this, but I'm curious to here others perspective on this matter.

I also don't think we are the tip of the spear or the final tale of earth, a lot species had to go extinct for us to be here, and it's a cycle that doesn't end at us. im sure that we humans will fall so something else like AI can be born consciously.

I'm getting side tracked with AI thinking, really I'm trying to address the topics of democracy, socialism, and globalization. If anyone can give me their opinions on this matter it would be greatly appreciated.

we are globalizing the world, will this weaken the nations or strengthen them? we are creating unstoppable forces like AI that will have a grib of control that couldnt be shaken away yet we are creating political and economical systems that will be held together by trust. even our currencies are trust based, we switched from valuable gold to worthless paper and onto crypto, if the world had a technological blackout, economical systems would collapse and whoever has the biggest guns prior to the collapse will be the rulers.

its frightening to see how much push we give into developing technology that can very quickly cause us chaos just by hitting us in our weak spots, yet it seems inevitable, no one wants to be amish, we all want to advance society we all push the ball a little higher up the hill knowing someday we will reach the peak and it will roll away on its own.
In advanced, spiritual humanities, governments do not exist because everyone follows the will of the Being.

Governments are made and sustained by the ego, with all of their injustices, imbalances, borders, violence, inconsistencies, and extortion.

Some may be better or worse, yet everything is influenced by the law of karma.

In the golden era of the Koradi, governments will be non-existent, since it will be an age of Gods.

Money also doesn’t exist on planets with spiritual humanities: Mars, Venus, Neptune, etc. Their economies and planets thrive through hard work without the need for money, since there, only brotherhood, peace, cooperation, diligence, and understanding reign.
4 years ago
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All our presidents have been christian/ catholic and often freemason. They have been guided into their positions and show for it with their esoteric monuments and symbology often which is on currency, something of which spiritaully advance societies wouldn't even use. What is guiding these political figures into place and why do they claim god is the guiding hand of the political systems, for example they put In God We Trust on our currency.

Only a governed community would not have freedom of speech yet churches and spirtual communities currently do have restrictions of speech, what happens when the church becomes a community and the community becomes most of humanity, at that point the freedom of speech must exist, however that opens your community up to the risk of spreading infectious ideas, especially when humanity is in that transition period where most of the humanity is spiritually advanced while some of us our still ignorant or Satanic.

Can we transition into a spiritual humanity without annilating ourselves first? Bible says the world will go through a destructive period before the return of Christ within all of us. Does humanity need to convert from barbarism to advance spirituality with no governmental systems, it seems we need governments just to keep societies livelihood security up. At our current Conscious levels wouldn't we need some sort of governmental systems?

Maybe it starts off as anarchy barbarianism till kings and queens become dictators, then levels of democracy till we transition into following our collective inner Conscious.

Also what do you make of globalization, it seems like the right thing to do but we often see it apart of luciferian agendas.

In a business model, how should we govern our businesses, should we make them social cooperatives or should we operate it as tradional capalist. Should we do business only with our borders or should we conduct business outside of our borders.
4 years ago
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Political systems today are all based off of Egyptian social structure and spirtitual outlook, you can see this clear as day with the abundance of symbolism. Either ancient Egyptian rulers were all demonic or our current governments are led by god and not demonic forces. I can't tell which because I love Egyptian theology but I'm afraid of modern governments/ power systems. So which is it, are ancient Egyptians "bad" or is today's illuminati governments "good".
4 years ago
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