By Kalistau Arkthorus on Saturday, 25 August 2012
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Is it possible for our Monad to enter into the Major Mysteries if our consciousness is still asleep?
"Kundalini develops, evolves and progresses very slowly within the aura of the Maha-Chohan. Kundalini has the power of awakening the consciousness. Nevertheless, the process of awakening is slow, gradual, natural, without spectacular, sensational, emotional, and barbaric events. When the consciousness becomes completely awakened, it is not something sensational, or spectacular. It is simply a reality, as natural as a tree that grows slowly, unfolds and develops without sudden leaps or sensational events. Nature is Nature. The Gnostic student in the beginning says, “I am dreaming.” Later he exclaims, “I am in the Astral Body, outside the physical body.” Later still, he obtains Samadhi, ecstasy, and enters the Fields of Paradise. In the beginning, the manifestations are sporadic, discontinuous, followed by long periods of unconsciousness. Much later, the Igneous Wings give us continuous uninterrupted awakened consciousness." - The Perfect Matrimony

Therefore, the awakening of consciousness happens slowly, alongside the development of kundalini and initiations. Therefore, those who are in the process are still asleep to whatever degree.
11 years ago
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