By Jeanette Foster on Monday, 05 August 2019
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I would like some guidance on how to tell when the Innermost is pushing to make a major life decision, like switching to a new job.

Recently there has been an opportunity that came up for a new job. This came about unexpectedly and without me actively looking for it. Currently I have a patient relationship with this chiro/acupuncturist. There has been a staff opening at his business. It would be a gaurenteed hourly rate which is more than what I make now per hour but this would only be 3 days a week. So, overall it might be about the same or maybe even slightly less which is fine. If I were to take this opportunity I would have more time for meditation, dream yoga, all the spiritual practices, studying, and most important sacrifice for others. Lately I've been wanting to volunteer in some way to give to other people. And I've been wanting more time for meditation.

Now the thing is I've had dreams about this possible boss. The most recent one was a dream I had after I asked my Divine Mother to show me a past life. It felt like a conscious dream. The gist of the dream was that he asked me to enter a marriage with him which I did. But then come to find out later in the dream, there was another woman involved. And I was basically entering a marriage where I was working and caring for a child only as a caregiver, not as a sexual relationship in anyway. After I woke up I felt like there was a past life connection there somehow. I know to understand this dream I should meditate on it. Is there a certain technique to use for meditating on a dream? Do I just concentrate on the dream until something comes up?

A few months ago I was lead by my intuition to give him a copy of The Perfect Matrimony since he's engaged to be married. I don't know what lies in this opportunity exactly but I do feel in my heart that whatever happens would be a benefit to see whatever egos I need to work on. New job, new challenges that would push more egos to come out to observe.

Is there a certain way that it feels when the Innermost is pushing for something to be done? Like is there a type of ease in the situation as it has occurred here, for example I wasn't looking for this job but it has fallen into my lap? Like all the peices come together without effort? I've been at my current job for about 10 months. Recently I did feel at one point that I've seen and worked with all the possible egos that my current job has brought up. There was a change with one of the co-workers that ended up resulting in her changing her behavior that was affecting the work environment. I knew this had to do with me meditating on the situation and coming to a deeper comprehension of the egos involved along with prayer to my Divine Mother to annihilate the defect.
Comprehension is reached when you establish yourself in genuine silence and internal serenity.

Learn to withdraw yourself from distractions, concentrate on your Being and imagine your prior experience. Then, wait.

New knowledge can appear in the form of symbols, or a return to the experience. Or even more simply: understanding of how the experience applies to your life as well as the wisdom of what to do.

As for understanding internal experiences, study the rules of dream interpretation, patiently.
4 years ago
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Thank you. I will give this a try in my meditation tonight. And I will review the links.
4 years ago
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