By Jeanette Foster on Tuesday, 30 July 2019
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I've had some dreams where I'm practicing alchemy with a man. I'm still single so it's never just one partner. There's no orgasm involved when these dreams occur. The energy is transmuted because we go into a meditative focused state using the breath to transmute the energy while visualizing it rising to the head. I have no experience in this lifetime practicing alchemy. I only have a little experience practicing pranayama.

I wanted to ask about this because I want to see if this is still considered a lustful dream. Or is this possibly a symbol from my being that I should just meditate on?

Is this possibly me visiting a part of the past or future in some way since time doesn't exist in the astral?
Given that our psychology is 97% ego, it is best to approach our experiences with discretion and prudence.

This is why we meditate: to comprehend what we perceive.

You need to meditate on your experience and the qualities of your mind to determine what is going on. No instructor can provide you better guidance than that of your Innermost.
4 years ago
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