Tuesday, 21 August 2012
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When reading "The Perfect Matrimony", it is said that "The Gnostic Church adores the Savior of the World, Jesus".

What exactly does this mean?
11 years ago
Accepted Answer
Paranishpanna (absolute happiness) without Paramartha (awakened consciousness) is not happiness. Jesus Christ [Master Aberamentho] attained Paramartha and Paranishpanna; nonetheless, he renounced the happiness of the Unmanifested Absolute to come and save human beings and Gods.

When the Elohim or glorious Dhyanis started to weave in the loom of God, they cried with pain when contemplating the twilight of the Uncreated Light that seemed to sink as a frightful setting sun.

Then Jesus Christ [Master Aberamentho] , the great Paramarthasatya, passed through the Dhyani-pasa and came into the cosmic garden to save the Gods, whose innumerable virginal sparks or Jivas are devolving and evolving during this Mahakalpa.

I, Samael Aun Weor, was a witness of all of these things. I saw when that Great Being entered the sanctuary and signed a pact of salvation for human beings and he crucified himself on his cross. I witnessed the dawn of the Mahamanvantara and give testimony of all of these things. Later on, at the dawn of the fourth round, the Master sent his Buddha in order for him to prepare himself in this valley of tears. That Buddha is his soul called Jesus.
And his Buddha lit his seven eternal lamps. And his Buddha raised his seven serpents throughout the seven canals of the candlestick. Thus, when his Buddha Jesus of Nazareth was prepared there in the Jordan, his resplendent Dragon of Wisdom entered within him in order to preach to human beings and Gods.

The sacrifice already happened on that occasion. The commander of all Cosmic Christs, Jesus of Nazareth [Master Aberamentho], already washed with his blood all the sins of the sanctuary and signed the pact between human beings and Kwan-Yin, the Army of the Voice, Vishnu, Osiris, the Great Breath.

Jesus [who is, Aberamentho] is the supreme conciliator between the human being and the Divinity. - The Mysteries of Fire by Samael Aun Weor

Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5

11 years ago
Accepted Answer
Paranishpanna (absolute happiness) without Paramartha (awakened consciousness) is not happiness. Jesus Christ [Master Aberamentho] attained Paramartha and Paranishpanna; nonetheless, he renounced the happiness of the Unmanifested Absolute to come and save human beings and Gods.

When the Elohim or glorious Dhyanis started to weave in the loom of God, they cried with pain when contemplating the twilight of the Uncreated Light that seemed to sink as a frightful setting sun.

Then Jesus Christ [Master Aberamentho] , the great Paramarthasatya, passed through the Dhyani-pasa and came into the cosmic garden to save the Gods, whose innumerable virginal sparks or Jivas are devolving and evolving during this Mahakalpa.

I, Samael Aun Weor, was a witness of all of these things. I saw when that Great Being entered the sanctuary and signed a pact of salvation for human beings and he crucified himself on his cross. I witnessed the dawn of the Mahamanvantara and give testimony of all of these things. Later on, at the dawn of the fourth round, the Master sent his Buddha in order for him to prepare himself in this valley of tears. That Buddha is his soul called Jesus.
And his Buddha lit his seven eternal lamps. And his Buddha raised his seven serpents throughout the seven canals of the candlestick. Thus, when his Buddha Jesus of Nazareth was prepared there in the Jordan, his resplendent Dragon of Wisdom entered within him in order to preach to human beings and Gods.

The sacrifice already happened on that occasion. The commander of all Cosmic Christs, Jesus of Nazareth [Master Aberamentho], already washed with his blood all the sins of the sanctuary and signed the pact between human beings and Kwan-Yin, the Army of the Voice, Vishnu, Osiris, the Great Breath.

Jesus [who is, Aberamentho] is the supreme conciliator between the human being and the Divinity. - The Mysteries of Fire by Samael Aun Weor

Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5

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