By michael on Sunday, 30 June 2019
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With regards to the 108 lives, i have been thinking deeply about this subject recently and it really hit me when i read on here in a recent post, that one of the instructors said that if we are here now, then this is almost certainly our last life in this present humanity.

Below that instructors posts is the following statement from Samael Aun Weor :
"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." - Samael Aun Weor

My question is, as a fifty two year old who has led a grim life of crime, fornication, drug and alcohol abuse, violence and who has an ego as big as a large continent, how do i not worry and cultivate the habit of being happy ?

It appears to me that my fate is already sealed as i have so little time to redress the karma i have created, which i fully accept i deserve.

At times i feel like giving up as i see no point in even trying to be a better person when i have such a huge karmic debt to pay and no time to negotiate it.
I try to be happy and be a good person but i am terrified of what is to come.

I can't stop thinking about my little granddaughter being exposed to a great catastrophe that wipes this humanity out and it worries me a great deal.

Do people like me and my wife, Granddaughter have any hope ?
Hope is found precisely in the same law: karma.

Action creates consequences. Learn to perform the actions that result in the consequences you want. That is why we study this doctrine: to know how to act so we can avoid suffering.

A superior law overcomes an inferior law.

A superior action overcomes an inferior action.

Do good deeds so you can pay your debts.

That is why we have so much hope, and work hard to help others.
5 years ago
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Dear Alexis,

Thank you very much for your reply.

Could you please clarify a few points that i do not understand ?

When the coming catastrophe hits this humanity,will most of us go to hell to be purified by nature and then go through the process again of mineral, plant, animal and human existence ?

If this is the case then does the karma from our present lives effect what we will experience in our next lives ?

What happened with the people who populated the moon ?
5 years ago
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Yes, that is the mechanical process of nature. That is why we are teaching the conscious process: destroy your ego today, every day, and you can avoid that mechanical process.

Yes, the actions we perform today affect our future lives. That is why we recommend doing good deeds, as much as possible. The more we sacrifice to help others, the more dharma we accrue with which we can pay our debts.

Some few Selenites accepted the fifth gospel. After hard work, they became self-realized in depth and converted themselves into angels.
It is written in the great book of life that at the end of that lunar apocalypse, a new group accepted the doctrine. Therefore, another planetary abode was given to those repented ones, where presently they are self-realizing themselves. Any mahatma can verify for himself with his opened eye of dangma that those Selenite multitudes who formerly pronounced themselves against the fifth gospel presently live in an underground world. They converted themselves into authentic Lucifers.
5 years ago
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Thank you Alexis.
5 years ago
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