By Dimitrios Manos on Friday, 21 June 2019
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Do fireflies have any type of symbolic meaning in Gnosticism?

If I'm correct, the light within them is a product of phosphorus, an element associated with Lucifer. Light itself is also associated with the positive aspects of Lucifer.

When I was a kid, I remember seeing oceans of fireflies on summer nights.

They have almost all disappeared. Now I see one or two per summer, and they usually seem like they are dying... Their light is very dim.

The whole situation is very saddening to me, because it is so unnatural.

If the firefly does in fact carry some symbolic link to the positive aspects of Lucifer, I cannot help but think that it's dwindling numbers, resulting in "less light", are very reflective of the state of our world.

However, since I've been reading these studies, I realize that the world was very sick even when I was a kid in the 70s, and had already been for a very long time. So perhaps that totally invalidates my theory.

Still, this is a fascinating insect, and I wonder if Universal Gnosticism assigns any special meaning to it.
Many species, including fireflies, are endangered due to the influences of humanity.

Perhaps there is some internal symbolism regarding fireflies, but I personally cannot comment.
4 years ago
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