By Niels Berne on Tuesday, 14 August 2012
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I am studying the Bible and especially struck by the amount of animal sacrifice and strict moral codes in the Old Testament. It definitely seems as if it has been written by various people and mutilated quite a bit. I also keep thinking of Samael saying that Jahvé will take a body in the Age of Capricorn and he will be appointed as the Messiah of the Jews. Because what kind of a God asks for animal sacrifice? It's so specific (kind of animal, all the rituals) that its hard to understand as something symbolic...

The sacrifice of cattle, cows, bulls, is a horrible crime befitting of these people and of this Lunar race. The two races, the Solar and the Lunar, have always existed in eternal conflict within the world.
Abraham, Ia-Sac, Ia-Cab, Io-Sep, were always worshippers of the Sacred Cow, “IO,” or of the Egyptian Goddess Isis; yet Moses already, or better said, Ezra (the reformer, who altered the teachings of Moses), demanded the sacrifice of the Cow and the Calf. Thus, let the blood fall upon everyone’s head, especially their children’s.
The Sacred Cow is the symbol of the Divine Mother, Isis, whom no mortal has ever yet unveiled.
The Twice-born form the Solar Race, the Solar Nation; the People of the Solar Race would never assassinate a Sacred Cow. The Twice-born are children of the Sacred Cow.
Chapter 29 of Exodus is nothing else than legitimate black magic. In said chapter, unjustly attributed to Moses, the ritualistic ceremony of cattle sacrifice is minutely described.
The Lunar Race mortally hates the Sacred Cow. The Solar Race adores the Sacred Cow. – Samael Aun Weor
11 years ago
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Study this!
11 years ago
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Ok. So the passage when IOD-HAVAH ELOHIM asks for so many sacrifices can be understood as Chesed asking for the elimination of the Animal Ego? Where does the sprinkling of Blood and all the very imaginative details refer to then? There are also passages where doves have to be sacrificed. I'm still not entirely convinced especially since a Gnostic Instructor (from Glorian) told me that certain passages in the Bible are actually Black Magic and these passages do speak very detailed about how to sacrifice these animals... But then the symbolism does also make sense. It would be nice to comment also the first Divine Trinity of Egypt in your article: Apis (The Divine Bull), Hathor (The Divine Cow) and Kabir (The Divine Calf). Thanks for making this article, it's very interesting!
11 years ago
-1 Votes
Oh yeah, this answered my question alright, and it's the Master who is answering. From what book or lecture is that excerpt?
11 years ago
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11 years ago
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