By Somi on Tuesday, 05 March 2019
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V.M Samael said Hypnotism is authentic Black magic which I fully agree. However, his teachings on meditation asks us to go into a sleeping trance. Is this not hypnotism? Most meditation techniques I learned always say we must be passive and watch our inner activity. Some meditations also teach concentration, watching the breath etc. How is sleeping trance meditation any different from self-hypnotism?
The word "trance" is misleading.

The wise law of contrary analogies invites us to comprehend that if there are thirteen subjective and negative states during a hypnotic state... likewise, there are another thirteen objective and positive states...

The difference is that hypnosis is a state of passive, sleeping consciousness (thus, the word hypno, from Greek for "sleep."). These states are marked by a lack of control, lack of clarity, lack of self-awareness, etc.

In positive states of consciousness, one is awake, aware, in control of oneself.

To achieve meditation, the consciousness needs to be active, awake, aware, while everything else (thought, emotion, body, etc) must be passive.
5 years ago
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