By Anthony on Saturday, 06 October 2018
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I need to know if there's anything I need to add in to increase my chances.

I'm currently on my 6th day of my 40 consecutive night journey of practicing leaving the body.

I understand that astral projection is natural just like eating, and that we enter the astral plane every night but some like me do it unconsciously.

During the day, I set 10 - 20 minutes to practice the mantra Egypto, Before bed and before my practice of leaving the body I say the mantra O "Ooooooooooo"

I also meditate for 10-15 daily (my 6th day) and I quit watching porn (6th day as well). And during my daily activies, I try to remember myself and focus on the thing I'm doing. I try to not think about the past or daydream.

Throughout the day, I ask myself if I'm in the physical plane or astral plane - then perform a reality check.

Once, the mantras are done. I completely relax the body, I imagine that my body is like a factory of workers in every body part and I tell them that we are temporary shutting down and to leave the body. It helps me relax the body. I then pray to my divine mother/helpers and I either visualize myself walking around in my house or at my job. (my visualaztion skills are weak but I hope this helps it get more clear) Or I repeat a mantra like "body asleep, mind awake". I will do that until I feel vibrations and then attempt to the leave the body (haven't got to that part yet)

But I tend to lose consciousness and blank out for 6-7 hours but when I wake up I record my dreams. (Sometimes I have them, but I think my alarm makes me forget them)

How am I doing? Anything I should add? I hope to visit the Gnostic Church and meet Samael Aun Weor one day.

Kind regards.
Keep practicing and studying.

Work without expectations or timelines.

Meditate more. The more you meditate, the more effective everything else becomes.
5 years ago
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Thank you.
5 years ago
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