By Nahash on Friday, 27 July 2012
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Self knowledge is not arrived at easily, and it is not true that any sort of whimsical and average person can stumble into profound self knowledge. Even after many years of study it is very easy for us to become reabsorbed within our own egotistical pride and lead into delusion. We need to be careful not to be precarious, and at the same time not too proud. It is a bit like walking on a tight rope.

New students might feel disadvantaged, as if they were born into a society that is not giving them a chance. It is important for us to develop our own internal locust of control as early on as possible. It is very important to set aside the time and dedication in order to balance the three brains and work with the three factors. It is important to put yourself out there and see the sort of reception you get from people, because with every bitter humiliation comes elevation.

Eheieh Asher Eheieh,” which means in accordance to the Book of Exodus: I shall become what I am becoming.

We need to avoid enclosing ourselves within a cave of safety, either figuratively or literally. This cave could be the walls of your mind or the walls of your room. The walls could even be a false sense of self observation or a healthy social circle. Again, safety does not exist as long as we have the ego. We need to see ourselves as we truly are, not through the image that we cultivate for ourselves. We are all wretched in some way or another.

There is no room to feel safe, no room to feel morbid. It is better to take an index of our own personal skills as they are. We shouldn't be concerned about what people think of our habits, Gnosis can only be achieved through isolation. We need to remember that the gift of Gnosis was handed to us by our Innermost. That means that our Father in Secret had evaluated us in depth and determined that we have the values inside to make good use of the knowledge. Many on the face of this planet do not, thus they reject this path despite it being provided from both the inside and the outside.

It is good to take advantage of technology. It is good to learn how to use Google. We should read the books and if we can, buy all the books. It is good to get in the habit of randomly picking a book and flipping to random pages, so even if you have not done an enormous amount of reading, you will still have a general idea of what is discussed in each book.

The Internet technology is very useful to the Gnostic student. You can go into Google and type (without the [] brackets) [whatever comes to mind]

No space after site:, just

And as a result you can rapidly navigate around all of the writings and lectures. You just try to remember how Samael Aun Weor (or a lecturer) said these things, he wrote in a way that make his passages very distinct and easy to remember. He will say something in a funny way or use a striking analogy. So you only need to remember a couple of words in a chain in order to rapidly bring it up through Google site search.

So as we develop a more sustained sense of self remembrance and self observation, as we begin to understand the various forces effecting us from within and without, we can quickly access the intellectual knowledge that will help us practice in an effective way.

Of course, we have to be careful not to turn to the "god of the Internet". The idea here is to become skilled at quickly navigating and become familiarized with as much of the teachings as possible so that you know exactly how to get to the writing you need, when you need it, and as fast as possible.

This combination can be very powerful. With a nice generalized knowledge of the books and phrases used, and the familiarization with yourself as well, you can remember psychological flavors and then quickly find writings that may correspond with them. You will also find a lot of materials in the lectures too. So if you feel that outside forces are a threat, you can quickly turn to details about conjurations and lectures in regards to that. If you're feeling that you are falling into mechanicity then you can quickly find passages in The Great Rebellion and other works in order to shake you and help wake you up.

This combination is very powerful. Technology, used wisely, can be tremendously beneficial towards aiding our spiritual work. The ability to keep the teachings going through our minds, teaching us how to see ourselves, reminding us of how we are is completely necessary.

It is said that we have a lot of karma. At the very least, I think we can admit that it can be very hard to reach the sort of state where we are seeing a real change. Thus, we need to take the very little energy we have and increase its potentiality it through levers, pulleys and gears. If we take that little bit of sincerity, and we can find that passage that resonates with that sincerity, then it can lead to an explosion in our heart. And that can liberate a lot of fire that we can use towards our practice. We need chain reactions within our interior, to breathe some life into our consciousness.

Comprehend that I am talking to you about the path of action, free of the painful battle of the opposites.

I am talking to you about action without distractions, without evasions, without fantasies, without abstractions of any kind.

Change thy character, beloved, change it through intelligent action, free of the battle of the opposites.
Thank you for your testimony. This is why we are working hard to spread Gnosis to the English public, namely through the books, lectures and website. Technology is the means of reaching as many souls as possible, and this is why our website has undergone numerous changes, so that the information available is efficiently organized and easier to navigate.

We hope that all beings many benefit and appease their thirst through the fountain of divine wisdom. May all beings be happy!
11 years ago
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