By Anthony on Tuesday, 04 September 2018
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I have been knowing my friend for 11 years and lately he's been getting into the habit of drinking more than 3 beers a day...

He has a baby and a girlfriend.. and I believe the alcohol is influencing him to cheat on his partner. Yet he says he loves her.. He has told me, he has bought girls over.. and it sucks knowing his girlfriend, doesn't know.. I want to tell her but at the same time, I feel like he should let her know.. At the same time, there relationship is weird. It's like they are together but they always argue and don't appear happy.

He's always tired and looks numb.. I try to talk to him saying, it's poison and it's bad for his liver but he says "who cares. I like it"

Is there anything I can do at all?
formula: Fry one or two owl eggs and give them to the drunkard to eat. The patient will be cured with this remedy. He will not drink for the rest of his life.

Another formula against the vice of alcohol is the turkey buzzard’s heart. (Also called turkey vulture). The turkey buzzard’s heart must be pulverized. Put it under the sun to dry, before pulverizing it. These powders are deposited into the same drunkard’s cup with alcohol, thus he will not drink alcohol for the rest of his life.
5 years ago
0 Votes
This formulas are a necessity in today's world!! Great reply
3 years ago
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