By Somi on Friday, 24 August 2018
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V.M Samael has said people who encounter with pornography during adolescence permanently damage themselves. Is there any way to reverse this damage later? I have been battling with masturbation and pornography. I was exposed to it when I was 16. I am not addicted or something. For normal people this wouldn't have been a problem. But, the teaching says TOTAL chastity. Since I seek this pat of razors edge, I need guidance to deal with this issue once and for all. I am single, so can not practice sex magic. How do I deal with this?
Damages caused through fornication and masturbation can be healed with patient transmutation of the sexual energy, meditation on the death of lust, desire, and egotism, and diligent, daily practice with the sacred rites of rejuvenation.

If one longs to advance on this path, one must completely renounce degenerated behaviors. Do not vacillate. If you want to be serious, destroy all of your pornography and abandon lust. Comprehend in yourself how lust destroys the mind. If you do not meditate on how lust destroys the soul, you will never comprehend how such behaviors produce tremendous suffering. Without comprehension, students continue to indulge in masturbation and remain where they are, in the mud and filth of affliction. It is very easy for the intellect to rationalize how masturbation is harmful, but comprehending how desire produces suffering is something else. An alcoholic may know that consuming liquor will destroy him, yet he continues to do so anyway. The same with the masturbator. However, if an alcoholic comprehends how alcohol is demonic, he will never allow himself to be tempted. The same with masturbation. Knowledge is of the mind, comprehension is of the heart. Only the heart can comprehend and overcome all problems, not the mind!
5 years ago
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