By Crystal Collector on Tuesday, 24 July 2012
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While trying to follow the Tattwas in my work and studies throughout the day; I've noticed a problem. It seems that not every source of sunrise and sunset times is accurate. One source says one time while the other source gives a different time. Sometimes; they're both wrong. I woke up the other morning at 5:45 or 5:50 AM and the sun was already up. All of the sources said that the sunrise was at 6:15. They were obviously wrong. How would this affect any projects I'm working on if I am unknowingly in a Tattwa such as Akasha- which I would be trying to avoid? For Central Daylight and Central Standard time; where would be the best source for sunrise and sunset times? One more question- if you start work on a project in a Tattwa like Prithvi; then, do you have to stop when you get to Akasha; or, is it alright to continue working on the task you began working on in Prithvi?
I regretfully have to disagree with the opinion of the Master Huiracocha about the Tattvic day-timer. In his Tattvameter he states that the five Tattvas successively vibrate for two hour periods, and that each Tattva vibrates for twenty-four minutes in the following way:


Huiracocha asseverates that this vibration of the Tattvas begins everyday at sunrise. Yet, this is in discordance with the facts and observations. Therefore, the best Tattvic day-timer is the one from Nature.

When the weather is cold, humid, rainy and the sky is cloudy with dense, large, black clouds this means that the cause of this is rooted in the Tattva of the water (Apas). When this happens, the ethereal waves of the water are submitted to a very strong cosmic vibration which generally coincides with the position of the moon.

During the hours or days of hurricanes and breezes we can asseverate that the ethereal waves of the air (Vayu) are in agitation and vibration.

The noon sky filled with sun clearly points out to us that the ether of fire (Tejas) is vibrating intensely.

Dry, sultry weather elucidates for us the vibrations of Akash.

The hours filled of happiness, filled with light, are produced by Prithvi.

Therefore, the best Tattvic day-timer is the one from Nature.
11 years ago
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