By Dimitrios Manos on Tuesday, 10 July 2018
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I got an impression the other day. It wasn't a verbal impression, but I will try to put it into words: the molecular weight of a soul increases the more it is encrusted with ego, and decreases the less it is encrusted with ego...the souls of a lighter molecular weight can rise to the superior worlds..those of a heavier molecular weight sink into the abyss. I don't know why the phrase "molecular weight" was the first one that came to me upon verbalizing the impression. Is there any realistic basis to this?

As above, so below.

Everything in nature has multiple aspects or ways of being seen. There is nothing that is limited to one point of view: that is, nothing in manifested existence has an absolute, single definition or number. Only the Absolute is absolute.
5 years ago
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5 years ago
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Thank you. It sounds like "atomic weight" would have been a better term?

This is not related to my original question, but I was confused by this passage:

"... we cannot forget that within the interior of our world, underneath the surface of the Earth, there are seven submerged atomic regions that relate to the atomic infernos of Nature, since the Holy Heptaparaparshinokh—the law of seven—is fundamental in everything created."

Why does Master Samael state there are seven regions when there are nine?
5 years ago
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