By Dimitrios Manos on Saturday, 23 June 2018
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Many people whose consciousness is asleep have "hunches"... feelings about people or things that are not based on sensory input or "logical reason".

This was always my understanding as to what intuition was.

Master Samael says this about intuition:

The world of Intuition is the world of mathematics. The Gnostic who wants to elevate himself to the world of Intuition must be a mathematician or at least must have notions of arithmetic.

Mathematical formulas grant us Intuitive Knowledge.

I do not understand. Intuition.. at least how I currently conceive of it.. is one of the least mathematical things I can think of.

Is the intuition that Master Samael speaks of something completely different than what I (and probably most people) refer to as intuition?
This is the region of Atman the Ineffable One, the world of the most crude reality, the dimension of mathematics.

In this three-dimensional world we never perceive solids in an integral and unitotal form. Here we only see in a subjective form: angles, surfaces, etc.

However, within the luminous region of Atman, we not only perceive solids in an integral form, but moreover, we perceive hyper-solids, including the exact quantity of atoms, which in their conjunction constitute the totality of any given body.

This is not intellectual mathematics (ie. 2 + 2). Instead, it is a perceptive mathematics, in which one instantly sees the causal forces at work; one "knows," and knows why. It is intuitive, in a far richer and deeper way than a mere "hunch."
6 years ago
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