Sunday, 29 April 2018
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I have a friend who is dear to me, who has deep interest in the Gnostic teachings. I am seeking guidance how to encourage them.

We always end up having deep discussions in regards to religion, spirituality, and the themes discussed here in Gnostic teachings. I can see they are yearning for more they keep bringing it up. But I find myself unable to think of how to approach introducing them to Gnostic teachings because my personality is in the way.

In my past I came to Gnosis from a very empirical, atheistic, Buddhist perspective. I had no use for Christianity and no respect for it (and no understanding of it's depths) I only see the dogma, mental illusions, bondage and restrictions they live in,. That by merely "believing" or "accepting jesus" is enough and all they need. Which is the culture my friend is submersed, and raised in.

My introduction to Gnosis was through testing, reflection, experimenting, and tasting the truth of the practices. It has taken me a long time to get to the point where concepts like the divine mother, divinity, and "god" could be accepted, and only through direct experience that I grew a reverence to the divine.

Their path, coming from Christianity, into Gnosis. Is so different than the atheist way I have came from, that I don't know how to use the bible to encourage their interests, and inspire them to look deeper. My study of the bible is minimal. I am practice driven, as opposed to scripture driven, or "belief" driven.

In our conversations, whenever I try to approach, understanding the meaning of dreams, meditation, astral projection., Often can easily hit a wall of "sounds like spiritism, witchcraft, mediums"
(I linked an article called "bible verses about witchcraft" below that shows their communities approach to restricting and oppressing each-other, by using those bible quotes out of context.)

I looked, and could not find any suitable audio lecture series within your website, that would appeal to their specific Christian upbringing..Some of it is either way too deep,. too "esoteric and spiritism" based. What other resources do you have in regards to the study of Gnosis, through Jesus? The path of the bodhisattva, although really powerful, is too deep for them to step into.. I need something very light, and introductory for them so slowly ease themselves in,.

Can you assist me with resources or bible passages and quotes that would help someone step past a very oppressive family upbringing of dogmas?

Any materials that they can explore, of their own free will, according to their own curiosities, i wish not to reach into a persons life with my personal delusions that I know whats best for them. So this advice would be appreciated.

Thank you.
3 years ago
Accepted Answer
This is why the following course was made:

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

6 years ago
Great question. My journey into Gnosis started through Christianity. I was an ordained minister for over 15 years until I understood the challenges that Jesus gave to the Pharisees challenging them to look at their own beliefs. This was through saying where he started off with "The law states.." or "Your traditions state..." then he went on to say "But I tell you..." I don not have the scriptural references in front of me, but they are recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Another instance of this is when Paul was addressing those in attendance on Mars Hill with his homage to the unknown God passage. Taking all of these things into prayerful consideration, I applied those words to my own situation. I then started to question the validity of the numerous translations of the Bible, followed by the validity of the numerous denominations all claiming that "they were the only one with the truth." I then took another step back and asked myself, "what if they all are wrong?" In researching these things, I came across several websites that traditional Christianity deemed evil or heretical; but I remembered the words of Jesus challenging the religious to look at their own beliefs. One of the books that really helped me to shake my dogmas was Jehovah Unmasked. While I do not agree with everything in the book, it really helped me to question the beliefs I was told to teach and defend.

Since, I have stepped down from the ministry and have been walking through Gnosis for several years now. My practice is improving as well as my experiences. I still have family and numerous friends in the strict Christian circles, and I found that there are opportunities to challenge current beliefs the same way Jesus did, or to have them examine WHY they believe what they do. Is it because they were told to, by a book or organization that may or may not be correct, or by direct experience with God? I them remind those that I am speaking with that after the resurrection of Jesus, the apostles went out teaching after they experienced the Holy Spirit, which I now have a much better understanding of what that means. These people, the apostles, died for their faith that they KNEW, DIRECTLY EXPERIENCED, not just believed.

I hope this helps, as I am working through very similar situations in my immediate family, work, and friends.
6 years ago
Thanks for your story and experience.

Is there any specific bible passages I can look at that you've found fruitful? Thanks
3 years ago
Accepted Answer
This is why the following course was made:

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

3 years ago
Hello Al Mustapha,
This is why the following course was made:
Do you have a link to a similar course for people with an Islamic background? I find alot of references to Buddhism, Hinduism, not much on Muhammedan Islam

3 years ago
The course on Esoteric Christianity is replete with biblical verses with Gnostic commentaries or exegeses. That is a good place to start!

As for Sufism and Islam:

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

3 years ago
Hi Almustafa, could you please repost the link for sufism and islam? Thank you
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