By Silent on Sunday, 08 October 2017
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I am a loner, Can I progress on the spiritual path studying online alone (without a group), interaction or relationships?
The only relationship which is indispensable is with your Innermost Being.

You can absolutely progress without external groups. Groups and schools are very helpful in very necessary for the proliferation of the teachings. Nevertheless, there are many who, despite having an external group, never learn to search within.

The one who is able to work on their inner work without external groups develops a robust inner strength.

That being said, the condition of being a loner is also something you must confront. There is an introverted characteristic to great sages, yet, they were not introverted in a mechanical or unconscious way of being "awkward" or "not liking people", etc.
6 years ago
1 Votes
Thanks so much for the responses, I understand very well that the most important work with myself, but I also learned from the Zohar and Kabbalah reveal course that our shattered souls can only be united and healed by working together as a spiritual group, according to Kabbalah:, God will be reveled in the relationships when we devote ourselves for the devoted other.
6 years ago
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