By Ashraf Rahman on Saturday, 13 May 2017
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I read lesson three of "Intro to Gnosticism" and wanted clarification of the timing of the tattvas. I read that the lotto should be played during the Apas portions of the days. I want the money to help myself move towards a positive position in life. But I need money and want to harness the power of the universe through this teaching.
Since our circumstances are determined by our previous actions, and what we deserve comes to us by nature's law, then it is a waste of money and time to buy lottery tickets. It is better to focus on creating beneficial actions that are sure to result in what we need. If you need a better income, then improve your business sense and work in a better way: you should read the next chapter in the book:

Regarding the tattvas, however, he wrote this elsewhere:

When the weather is cold, humid, rainy and the sky is cloudy with dense, large, black clouds this means that the cause of this is rooted in the Tattva of the water (Apas).
7 years ago
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