By arthur on Monday, 24 April 2017
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I read that taking melon seed will help with nocturnal pollution. I got 3 questions.

1. Can one eat the melon seed directly instead of blending it into juice?

2. How often should one take the seed? My nocturnal emission normally come when i least expect. But the longest period between night emission i have is 31 days. If i may get an answer to how long exactly does the effect of prevention would last by taking the melon seed.

3. Once the melon has been cut off, must the seed be taken immediately or can it be stored for future use.

Thank you very much for the answers in advance.
1. If you want the effect of the medicine, you should prepare the medicine as directed. That said, the seed by itself will also have some benefit.

2. That is up to you. The effect of the medicine depends on the severity of the illness, the quality of the medicine, the behavior of the patient, and the karma.

3. Seeds can be stored.
7 years ago
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Thank you for your answer
7 years ago
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