By Albertus Vitriolus on Wednesday, 01 February 2017
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Dear Brothers,

can you pleas explain Who are the Eight Mothers and "where They are" in Gnostic/Kabbalah (on the Tree of Life etc.)?

"SAPTA MATRUKA : Matrikas (Matrika singular, Sanskrit: mātṝkā, मातृका "mother"), also called Matara (Sanskrit: mātaraḥ plural, मातरः) and Matri (mātṛ, मातृ singular), is a group of Hindu goddesses who are always depicted together.
Since they are usually depicted as a heptad, they are called Saptamatrika(s) (Sanskrit: saptamātṝkāh, सप्तमातृका:, "seven mothers"): Brahmani, Vaishnavi, Maheshvari, Indrani, Kaumari, Varahi, Chamunda and Narasimhi. However, they may sometimes be eight (Ashtamatrika(s): ashtamātṝkāh, अष्टमातृका:, "eight mothers").
Whereas in South India, Saptamatrika worship is prevalent, the Ashtamatrika are venerated in Nepal."

Ora et Labora

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