By Owl of Athena on Monday, 17 October 2016
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I have frequently come across the symbol of the bird catcher and I wish to understand this particular symbol with your help.

One of my favourite artists Francois Boucher has this beautiful painting in relation to the bird catchers:

And I remember when reading the libretto to Mozart's wonderful The Magic Flute, that Papageno is referred to as a bird catcher.


Birds symbolize the air, Netzach, the intellect, thoughts, which fly through the skies of our mind, whether positive or negative.

Papageno is the mind itself, which captures and processes thought, whether for good or for ill (most cases for ill, since in The Magic Flute he often gets into trouble!)

Both black ravens, thoughts of ill omen, and immaculate doves, virtues of the Holy Spirit, can be captured by our mind, depending on whether it is solar or lunar.
7 years ago
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Thank-you for this answer!

Deep down I had a feeling this was the case.

Much love and peace to all instructors and to all sentient beings!
7 years ago
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