By Glorian Publishing on Thursday, 17 May 2012
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There is a great truth out there and I gain a slight insight of this truth little-by-little, bit-by-bit everyday. My ultimate goal is to truly move forward spiritually into the next level. I know full well it will take a great deal of effort to make any progress on my part, I sincerely hope my efforts will be enough to make it to the next step and actually remember what progress I made to that effect. I hope my desires make shape and turn into true righteous and lasting actions, being able to know and accept both good and evil and accepting them for what they are with no preference or attachment to the same, and still in the end be naturally all about the good. That is my great hope.

In a nut shell that is how I have always felt starting when I was 12 years old. Although I naively said the "Prayer of Salvation" that was supposedly going to save me forever from my sins, just by merely having that faith on the cross. Sure it gave me some since of comfort and gave me a temporary sense of peace of mind. In all honesty even when I when I was young even to this very day I always knew in the back of my mind. Something was up, something was not right, and something was not being told to me, as if it was held back.

So my journey of spiritual yearning and desires to move forward to this great truth made me seek out other different denominations of Christianity, well after trying different branches of this faith, I still did not feel whole as if something was still a miss. In the back of my mind my faith in God was presently ever so there. There was no denial of God whatsoever to me, but I couldn't shake this feeling that the Religious system in play was not real. When I say not real I mean, its more about the money than the message.

I mean think about it, These Mega-Churches that exist the Pastors or Bishops are driving around in these Lexus's and Mercedes, and living in these nice fine houses, come on. I knew that did not add up. True Messengers of Faith, barely get by for they are sacrificing all selfish desires of life for the great cause of ministry. That is what it was suppose to be about.

Honestly I tried giving mainstream churches a chance, but once I got wind that a particular church ministerial concerns were clearly more about the money than the message I left.

I fully understand and appreciate we live in a monetary world where money is needed for everything. I get that! I have no problem with Members of the Faithful that help with the flock getting a living wage so they may get by and continue serve in the message. But when its clearly all about profit and excess there simply is no excuse.

Now to get to my real point, I have always been spiritual in the sense of I always think of things beyond this world, and even when I was 21 years old I had a Uncontrolled Out of body Experience. Yes I had a OBE and I remembered having one I saw myself sleeping and drifting through ceilings into the sky and the astral world felt so exhilarating, and I have longed to have conscious awareness like that since, that was 10 years ago. I am 31 now. I was at a more spiritual place then even when I had no real balanced information to work with then, but at least I know my heart was more in the right place then.

I suppose over the years my lack of focus and lack of desire, prohibited my further progress in astral education, but nevertheless I have more insight on what I must do now, I know it will by no means be easy and I'm going to need all the encouragement and guidance in this endeavor. I realize now to make great progress is going to require great change.

There is more I wish to say amongst other things but I'm going to keep this testimonial on point of what its about, I truly believe now, Gnosis is the way to go here, on making real spiritual progress.

I just hope what progress I make sticks and lasts eternal within my essence.

May Gnostic teachings reach everyone to make a profound effect positively in everyone's consciousness with great balance, no preference, and no attachment. The eternal journey that can be achieved, if one simply practices and proceeds.

In conclusion, I thank you for reading, and may we all get it right this time around. Be safe.
Thank you for your testimony. We are happy that the teachings, practices and literature presented on our website have been able to inspire and assist so many aspirants in their search for the divine. May all beings be happy!
11 years ago
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