By Mika on Thursday, 15 September 2016
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I have come to the understanding that when we join groups or associatons whether for spiritual pourposes ie, shamans or even signing contracts and paperwork which links us to corporations, institutions etc., we in fact maybe making agreements which link us to these without being fully aware of the repercussions. We have linked ourselves to what ever following of Astral dictators they may carry!
Draconians in particular are difficult to shift through meditations and with the Mothers help due to the fact that we have entered an agreement and are now part of their game, it appears almost impossible to get out!

Can we transform these energies once we comprehend our error and break all agreements with these individuals and circumstances, combined with Sexual Magic?
Is Sexual Magic with a spouse the only way to defeat these type of Reptilians?

Can this type of energy be transformed just through comprehension, breaking contracts and agreements and with the help of our Divine Mother, without Sexual Magic?

I somehow feel that without the breaking of agreements they won't shift or be reduced to ashes!
Much love to all
There are no such thing as "reptilians." That whole story is an invention created to mock the willingness of people to believe in things. The ones who made that up did it as a joke.

However, there are many "contracts" or bonds that tie us to the black lodge. Those are eliminated through comprehension of the related egos. Each contract provided us with the fulfillment of some desire. When we comprehend it, and renounce it, the contract is dissolved. Therefore, sexual magic is not what is required there, but psychological work and meditation.

Forget about "conspiracies." Whether they exist or not makes no difference, since each of us suffers primarily because of the condition of our mind. Focus instead on correcting yourself and helping those around you.
7 years ago
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I wondered about that, as I had never seen anything like that! Black Magicians, yes plenty!
But are we not more susceptible to infiltrations when we have dealings with certain people?
7 years ago
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