By aspirant on Sunday, 28 August 2016
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"The Bodhisattvas with compassionate hearts sacrifice themselves for planetary humanities through successive Mahamanvantaras, and finally, they achieve the incarnation of Christ." (The Pistis Sophia Unveiled, chapter 67)

Each Mahamanvantara lasts 311,040,000,000,000 years, so for a Bodhisattva it would take several Mahamanvantaras of helping innumerable humanities to earn the right of incarnating the Christ? I was under the impression that it could be accomplished in several lifetimes, or even one.
"The Bodhisattvas with compassionate hearts sacrifice themselves for planetary humanities through successive Mahamanvantaras, and finally, they achieve the [COMPLETION OF THE] incarnation of Christ."

The incarnation begins with the Initiation of Tiphereth when the Christ is born in the manger as a tiny baby surrounded by the animal egos. For the Christ to grow and develop takes tremendous sacrifices and efforts that we poor mortals cannot even begin to understand.

Moreover, the experience of the bodhisattva also relates. Someone who did the work before will move more rapidly. Someone who has never done it will move slower.
7 years ago
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