Saturday, 27 August 2016
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For those of us who can not truly meditate yet nor read the Bible in hebrew for their true meanings, is it possible for someone to put together the parts of the bible frequently mentioned in various books by Samael Aun Weor online here to study in order to learn how to interpret ones dreams? Without the parts that are more than likely mistranslated, reading them doesn't seem to make aaaany sense for dream interpretation. I've always remembered the majority of my dreams since I was little and I still don't have a clue what most of the wacky ones could be as most of the time my dreams have no relation to my physical world and what I do in it in the sense of when Samael Aun Weor had stated that most people dream of what they do while awake, however that is very rare for me. And I've noticed I have different states of consciousness and knowledge in different ones as well as I cam be either in the past, future or present of the dream, I'll also remember my other dreams I had in relation to the one I am currently in even if I had forgotten (as in did not recollect at all while awake) before, then when I wake I will remember the others I had forgotten but remembered in the dream.

So would it be possible for something like this to be added to the website so one can properly learn and utilize learning to interpret their dreams through properly explained passages from the Bible? It would be extremely helpful.

My latest dream seems very important but no way can I make any sense of it, not even with theories, I'm truly stumped. If someone can also perhaps help me figure this one out at present that would be great, let me know and I shall relate it.

7 years ago
Accepted Answer
By parodying Daniel the prophet we will say:

The additions which you have requested cannot be accommodated onto the website since not even the wise men, the astrologers, the magicians, or the soothsayers can interpret your dreams for you. Only your God in heaven can do this for you – he who reveals secrets to you, and makes known to you what your dreams, and the visions in your head, upon your bed, truly mean. Any wisdom that we may have of dreams can only be applied to our own dreams – for this is how our own particular God speaks to us. The interpretation of your dreams shall be revealed to you only through meditation, so that you may know the thoughts of your heart. We encourage our students to read Dream Yoga to learn more about how to do this and to start keeping a dream journal so that they may start to learn the language of their own particular Inner Being. Then you will become an expert of your own dream interpretation.

Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5

7 years ago
Accepted Answer
By parodying Daniel the prophet we will say:

The additions which you have requested cannot be accommodated onto the website since not even the wise men, the astrologers, the magicians, or the soothsayers can interpret your dreams for you. Only your God in heaven can do this for you – he who reveals secrets to you, and makes known to you what your dreams, and the visions in your head, upon your bed, truly mean. Any wisdom that we may have of dreams can only be applied to our own dreams – for this is how our own particular God speaks to us. The interpretation of your dreams shall be revealed to you only through meditation, so that you may know the thoughts of your heart. We encourage our students to read Dream Yoga to learn more about how to do this and to start keeping a dream journal so that they may start to learn the language of their own particular Inner Being. Then you will become an expert of your own dream interpretation.

Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5

7 years ago
Samael states:

"Therefore, all our disciples must learn how to interpret their dreams, since even the most absurd dreams are absolutely symbolic.
Our internal experiences are interpreted based on the law of philosophical analogies, on the law of the analogy of contraries, on the law of correspondences, and on the law of numerology. The one who wants to advance in these studies must persistently study the book of Daniel in the Bible. The system of Daniel teaches us how to interpret our internal experiences."

There was another book, maybe in a lecture of his that i cannot find right now,l where he quoted specific sections in the bible to study as well for studying and learning about our dreams. I think it may have been in Genesis.

Even if one were to meditate or be able to do so without right knowledge one could not understand anything their inner God spoke to them, for to be able to comprehend without intellect one would have to be very advanced and have alot of intuition. That is impossible for beginners. Samael clearly states that we have to first study with the intellect and learn in order to advance and be able to interpret. Then once one has advanced further and being able to commune with their inner being can then grasp deeper meanings of their experiences. I have already read dream yoga many times, and no I did not read it as a newspaper.

So what I was originally asking for as mentioned above was for those passages to study, but the ones the Gnostics who are more advanced have accentuated like they do in lectures since the bibles nowadays are missing proper interpretations as well as it is helpful for us that are still studying kabalah or just beginning when they note in what part of the tree a passage is referencing, ect. To have that available would be very helpful.

I am aware no one can properly interpret ones dreams, however it us also helpful to have another more experienced do their best to point out possible meanings for specific key symbols at times since as this allows the person possible meanings that may just give them that nudge towards that epiphany needed which I have had happen on a number of occasions. It is also like the symbol water to Gnostics, to someone just entering or who is not a Gnostic they would probably take drowning literally or something else entirely instead of what it really represents. So without knowledge one falls into constant error.
7 years ago
If you study Kabbalah and meditate on it daily, interpreting dreams becomes easier than speaking any terrestrial language.

Plus, it is far more beautiful.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

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