By Glorian Publishing on Sunday, 11 December 2011
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<p>In an astral projection or in meditation where are we when we are being told occult information? How can we identify our position on the tree or what dimension were in? Thanks</p>
You can be in any part of the Tree of Life when receiving information. Kabbalah itself comes from the word that means "to receive." When you are in your physical body and have an intuition, that is information is arriving from your Being. You can also be out of your physical body but engaged in total fantasy and dreams, which of course happens usually every night.

Objective information comes from the 6th (Geburah, Chesed, Tiphereth) and 7th Dimensions (Kether, Chokmah, Binah). Experiences in the 5th Dimension (Netzach and Hod) can be subjective or objective. Nevertheless, you can receive information from the superior dimensions even when we are experiencing ourselves in the inferior dimensions.

Knowing what dimension you are experiencing is a matter of experience and meditation upon the experience.
12 years ago
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thank you!
12 years ago
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