By Frances on Tuesday, 09 August 2016
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I am mainly wanting an instructor to give me the link to an article I remember reading here about two years ago and cannot find. It states that Jesus was a master of synthesizing all doctrines and therefore, we could rely on gnosticism as a path without having to convert into other paths like buddhism etc...although you can still study and use these paths in your own way. In the article it mentioned something about how some religions can lead one to become a great planetary demiurge while others are opening the way into developing into an elemental or something to the extent of that....basically that some paths were crafted to lead us to spiritual results that aren't necessarily Christ-like...and I don't mean this in the fundamentalist Christian term of the word but liberation as I understand it, from planetary and elemental spheres and beyond. If an instructor can link me to that article, I would really appreciate this as I have been needing to understand this for some time but didn't know this was a resource.
See "The Gnostic Institutions" at the end of The Revolution of Beelzebub. I have provided a link to another resource as well:
7 years ago
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