By Ordinary student on Saturday, 02 July 2016
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How mantra WU is leveraged to solve Koan? Should we formulate the question and then chant mantra WU while focusing on emptiness?

If images start to appear, should we split attention between WU and the image/vision? Any practical insights in relation to this matter would be very much appreciated.

7 years ago
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A monk asked Master Chao Chou, “Does a dog have Buddha nature?”
The Master answered, “Wu” (no). This single word “Wu,” besides being a mantra that is pronounced as a double “u” like imitating the sound of a hurricane, is also a Koan itself.
To work with the Koan “Wu” while having the mind still and in silence, is something marvellous.
The experience of the “illuminating Void” allows us to experience an element that radically transforms. -Samael Aun Weor, Cosmic Teachings of a Lama
Therefore, what is Holy Negation (the Second Logos, the Christ)? What does it mean to negate the illusions of the mind and thereby arrive at comprehension?

The mantra Wu is a Koan. Therefore, meditate on this koan while mantralizing the sacred sound, sifting through the contents of your mind through creative comprehension and stillness!
7 years ago
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