By Shamir on Wednesday, 22 June 2016
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Probably you have heard of the book „A Course in Miracles“ by Helen Schucman und William Thetford. What is your opinion on it?

In their introduction they claim that the doctrine is partially based on Gnosis, as they support the idea that Ego causes suffering and knowledge of the Truth will set us free. Also they talk about finding your Inner Guru. But actually I can’t find in there what I have learnt here about Gnosis. All I seem to find is another concept and affirmations for reprogramming of mind.

The book was recommended to me by one of the lovers of my beloved, in order for me to find out how I can observe and learn unconditional love in a non-monogamous relationship. I find it strange, though, as I know that polyamory or "free love" is not seen acceptable in the Gnostic path. I am not sure whether the book addresses this question at all, but I think it suggests to let all confinements behind us and whatever happens just forgive everything and be fine with it, because everything is from God.

So I wanted to know what your general take on that book would be. Are you aware of its content? Is it something that can help us or does it just built up illusions of a deluded oneness with God?
Polygamy is adultery and degeneration, the opposite of Gnosis.

We recommend you study this lecture very well in order to learn to discriminate between spiritual schools and publications.
7 years ago
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Polygamy is adultery and degeneration, the opposite of Gnosis.

I know. I didn't choose it. Believe me I would be much happier if it wasn't the case. The situation I find myself in (and with much internal conflict about being so) was described in a previous discussion about Unconditional Love so I thought it not necessary to explain here again.

We recommend you study this lecture very well in order to learn to discriminate between spiritual schools and publications.

I am familiar with this lecture, have studied it several times. So, do I understand you well that A Course inMiracles is no spiritual school but just a typical New Age publication? They call it a seminal contemporary doctrine. Do you know that book? Now is it a kindergerden school or is it a rather black magic publication like so many other viral guidebooks of modern times?

The content of A Course in Miracles is presented in the three sections: "Textbook", "Workbook", and "Manual for Teachers":

1. The "Textbook" presents a thought system about truth and illusion on two levels:

It states that everything involving time, space, and perception is illusory. It presents a nondualism which states that God is the only truth and reality: perfect, unchanging, unchangeable, extending only love, though not in time and space, which can not really be comprehended from a dualistic perspective. The theory further states that all life as we perceive it is actually one life (because God has only one son, sometimes called the collective sonship), dreaming of separation and fragmentation. It claims that eternity is outside time and space and that this dream never occurred in reality and is "already over", though not the (illusory) perception. When addressing the question of how such an illusory dream could arise from a perfect and unchanging God, the Course states that to ask that question is to presume that the time-space dream is real, which it states is not. A Course in Miracles states that to think we exist as individuals is the fundamental error. However, since we experience ourselves in time and space, reading these pages, the course presents its thought system on a second level:

The time-space level, or "perceptory" level, which is referred to as "the dream". A Course in Miracles states that this level was "made" by the "sleeping Son" as an attack on God. Furthermore, the "Son" is regarded as not just Jesus, but as all collective life. In this time-space dream, perception is continuously fueled by what it originated from: separation, judgment, and attack. This results in what the Course calls the "sin-guilt-fear" cycle: we sinned by rejecting God and making a universe of time-space (the Big Bang); this results in guilt over our rejection of our Creator, and subsequent fear of God's wrath. The "sin-guilt-fear" is described as too horrendous to face, and therefore subsequently projected out, so that to Homo sapiens it seems that evil is everywhere except in himself. The world becomes a threatening place, in which we are born only to fear, fight, and die. The thought that keeps this process going is referred to as "ego", or "the wrong mind". A Course in Miracles concludes that happiness cannot be found in earthly time-space life, and urges the reader not to commit suicide but rather to make a fundamental mind shift from "condemnation-out-of-fear" (mindlessness) to "forgiveness-out-of-love" (mindfulness), since our "right mind" is outside time-space and cannot be harmed by worldly attacks. According to the course, seeing "the Face of Christ" in all living things is the way to "accept the Atonement" and ultimately awaken from the dream and return to the eternity of God. Ultimately, this means the end of individuality and of the ego. In this respect, there are parallels with the Indian concept of karma and the Bhagavad Gita scriptures, which Helen Schucman was not familiar with, though William Thetford was.

2. The "Workbook" presents 365 lessons, one for each day of the year, which claim to recondition the student's mind from "condemnation-out-of-fear" to "forgiveness-out-of-love". A Course in Miracles defines "miracle" as the conscious choice to make that mind shift, including its "non-observable effects on the minds of others".[citation needed] The workbook lessons attempt to train the reader to see oneness in all living things for a steadily increasing time of the day. The lessons aim at convincing by experience. The core message of the workbook is that, to forgive oneself completely, a person must (a) forgive all living things, and (b) do this by instruction of the Holy Spirit (i.e., the "Voice for God," "right mind," "Inner Teacher," or "intuition"). At the end, after one year, the workbook states that it is "a beginning, not an end".

3. The "Manual for Teachers" is a collection of questions and answers. It aims at motivating the reader to become a "teacher of God": a human being living in time and space, but at the same time seeing oneness in everything, having let go of all individual and separate interests, and being fully guided by the "voice" of the Holy Spirit.

4. In the third edition, the two pamphlets "Psychotherapy" and "The Song of Prayer" were added. They elaborate on the parallels with current psychotherapy and on the meaning of prayer, respectively.
7 years ago
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We cannot comment on what we have not investigated.

However, if the doctrine does not have all three factors for the revolution of the consciousness, is not a teaching that will help you attain liberation.

  1. Birth: sexual transmutation, sexual magic, psychogenesis.
  2. Death: revolutionary psychology, annihilation of the "I", the scientific application of meditative discipline.
  3. Sacrifice: working for the benefit of humanity; application of super-efforts throughout one's lifetime.

There are many teachings that deal with beliefs and metaphysics, particularly ones that in the end make someone feel good about their self. We, on the other hand, are interested in direct experience, awakened bodhichitta, profound meditation, and the elimination of Satan in our own mind.

My recommendation is to not waste time with any doctrine that is not clearly beneficial for your awakening and liberation. There is no time to waste.
7 years ago
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In order to find out whether or not all three factors are dealt with, one would need to read the whole thing through.
I do not want to waste time, in this you are right, that is why I ask here just in case any instructor might know more in-depth about it. As it is a very well-known contemporary scripture based on a "voice of God".

If no one does know ... don't worry. Thank you for answering.
7 years ago
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