By LM on Friday, 13 May 2016
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So I am wondering about astral larvae removal. I did read through Samael's 'Logos, Mantram, Theurgy' but am still unsure. Through a google search I found this:

"Michael, please bring down the tunnel of Light. Fifth-Dimensional Medical Corps, please assist. Grace and Purity Elohim, please assist. Circle Security, please seal the space and hold my fields in integrity."

"Medical Corps, please remove all astral parasites and ticks from my body and fields. Archangel Michael, please assist their movement into the Light."

You may feel pulling sensations in your fields as the parasites are removed. When this feels complete, say:
"Grace Elohim, please move through my body and fields and release any residual energy left by the parasites."

You should feel the energy of the Silver Ray moving through your fields.
"Purity Elohim, please seal my body and fields. Thank you for your assistance. Michael, please roll up the tunnel of Light."

So is this something Gnosis endorses? Is there in fact a Medical Corps? Or is there some other form of removal you can suggest?
That sounds like something that was invented by modern people. Be aware that the "internet" is not a reliable source for much of anything good.

Astral parasites are easy to remove. Use the smoke of dried sage or rue, accompanied by the mantra "S" (ssssssss) and / or prayers like one of the Conjurations:
7 years ago
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Great. Thanks.
I did start using the Conjurationof of the Four - so that's good I was on the right track.
Yes, the above didn't seem quite right.
Wasn't sure if I should have been burning Aloe or something though.
But seems easier than I was imagining.
Thanks again.
7 years ago
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