By Sean Yardley on Saturday, 06 February 2016
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I have recently been listening to a teacher who occasionally uses some literal interpretations of the bible, and while listening i came to a point where i felt that while the bible is not a history book, to throw out the possibility that there is some literal truth and not only metaphorical truth might be a bit hasty. author graham hancock has found through many years of studying physical evidence for the sinking of atlantis, the sinking of atlantis is often compared with the biblical flood of noah and often considered to be the same story.
the heart of the doctrine is what is important, understanding the esotericism is key; but in a world full of wonder it is worth while some time to ponder.

now Samael Aun Weor speaks about the Giants and nephilim of the old testament as is they were completely analogous (at least in the works i have read of his) though there have been many giant skeletons found in the world. my question is if it is foolish to believe that at one point this earth was populated by literal giants.
See this!

Lemurians were giants, and some archaeologists are beginning to discover such remains.

Study Gnostic Anthropology!
8 years ago
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