Friday, 29 January 2016
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I was just wondering how beautiful would be the world if we would not depend on money at all.

Can you mention totally self-sufficient Buddhist monasteries?

Thank you.
8 years ago
Accepted Answer
Life on the surface of the Earth would be different if we all eliminated the ego, the “I,” because then the awakened consciousness of everyone of us would radiate love and there would be peace on the face of the Earth.

Peace itself it is not a matter of propaganda nor something related to peace agreements, nor armies, nor the U.N. nor something of the sort. Peace itself is a substance that emanates from the Being, that emanates from within the entrails of the Absolute.

Thus, peace cannot exist over the face of the world neither true tranquility in all of the corners of the Earth as long as the psychological factors that produce wars are still alive within us. It is clear that as long as the factor that produces discord continues to exist within our interior, there will always be discord in the world.

Social masses are the extension of the individual, thus what a person is society is. So, the government is what society is, and as a consequence the world. If an individual transforms himself, if a person eliminates the elements of hatred, egotism, violence, discord, etc. — in other words, if someone achieves the elimination of their ego so that their consciousness become liberated — then, what will appear in him is what is called love. If every person that lives on the surface of Earth would eliminate their ego, then the social masses would be masses of love. There would be no wars or hatred. Therefore, true peace cannot exist in the world while our ego continues to exist.

Some affirm that from the year 2001 or 2007 on there will come an era of fraternity, love, and peace. But, thinking out loud I ask myself, and even I ask you, from where do you think such an era of fraternity, love, and peace among “men of good will” will come? Do you believe perhaps that the psychological ego with its hatreds, rancor, envies, ambitions, lusts, etc., can create an era of love and happiness? Do you really think that this could occur? Obviously not!

Therefore, it is necessary to die within ourselves in order for peace to truly reign in the world. Yes, that which we have of inhuman has to be destroyed — namely, the hatred, the envy, the horrible jealousy, the anger that makes us so abominable, the fornication that makes of us so bestial, etc.

Comprehend that while those psychological factors continue to exist within our psyche, the world cannot be different, instead it will become worse, because over time the ego will become more powerful, more strong. Thus, as violence increasingly manifests in the ego the world will become more tenebrous. Thus, at the rate we are going, if we do not work psychologically on ourselves, the day will arrive when we will no longer be able to exist, because we will violently destroy each another.

If the ego were to indefinitely continue to grow stronger, as we are now, the moment would come when no one could have security in his life, not even at home. In a world in which violence is fully developed, nobody’s existence feels secure. So I strongly believe that the solution to all the problems in the world is the elimination of the “I.” - Samael Aun Weor

If you visit the Buddhist monasteries of these times, you will find the ego very alive, it just uses different methods than one finds in the householders lifestyle. Among the residents of the monasteries there is rampant envy, pride, competition, lust, greed, anger, gossip, etc etc etc

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

8 years ago
Accepted Answer
Life on the surface of the Earth would be different if we all eliminated the ego, the “I,” because then the awakened consciousness of everyone of us would radiate love and there would be peace on the face of the Earth.

Peace itself it is not a matter of propaganda nor something related to peace agreements, nor armies, nor the U.N. nor something of the sort. Peace itself is a substance that emanates from the Being, that emanates from within the entrails of the Absolute.

Thus, peace cannot exist over the face of the world neither true tranquility in all of the corners of the Earth as long as the psychological factors that produce wars are still alive within us. It is clear that as long as the factor that produces discord continues to exist within our interior, there will always be discord in the world.

Social masses are the extension of the individual, thus what a person is society is. So, the government is what society is, and as a consequence the world. If an individual transforms himself, if a person eliminates the elements of hatred, egotism, violence, discord, etc. — in other words, if someone achieves the elimination of their ego so that their consciousness become liberated — then, what will appear in him is what is called love. If every person that lives on the surface of Earth would eliminate their ego, then the social masses would be masses of love. There would be no wars or hatred. Therefore, true peace cannot exist in the world while our ego continues to exist.

Some affirm that from the year 2001 or 2007 on there will come an era of fraternity, love, and peace. But, thinking out loud I ask myself, and even I ask you, from where do you think such an era of fraternity, love, and peace among “men of good will” will come? Do you believe perhaps that the psychological ego with its hatreds, rancor, envies, ambitions, lusts, etc., can create an era of love and happiness? Do you really think that this could occur? Obviously not!

Therefore, it is necessary to die within ourselves in order for peace to truly reign in the world. Yes, that which we have of inhuman has to be destroyed — namely, the hatred, the envy, the horrible jealousy, the anger that makes us so abominable, the fornication that makes of us so bestial, etc.

Comprehend that while those psychological factors continue to exist within our psyche, the world cannot be different, instead it will become worse, because over time the ego will become more powerful, more strong. Thus, as violence increasingly manifests in the ego the world will become more tenebrous. Thus, at the rate we are going, if we do not work psychologically on ourselves, the day will arrive when we will no longer be able to exist, because we will violently destroy each another.

If the ego were to indefinitely continue to grow stronger, as we are now, the moment would come when no one could have security in his life, not even at home. In a world in which violence is fully developed, nobody’s existence feels secure. So I strongly believe that the solution to all the problems in the world is the elimination of the “I.” - Samael Aun Weor

If you visit the Buddhist monasteries of these times, you will find the ego very alive, it just uses different methods than one finds in the householders lifestyle. Among the residents of the monasteries there is rampant envy, pride, competition, lust, greed, anger, gossip, etc etc etc

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

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