By Melaina on Thursday, 10 December 2015
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I was wondering if it is bad to listen to music while you meditate since it is not a singular point of focus. I am very new to meditation and I am confused about how a person through meditation is supposed to only focus one thing, but i have seen where people are told to focus a whole subject of a book. Can someone explain the process of how you meditate on a whole book of the bible Since it is concentrating on more than just one thing. I am confused about how that process works. If someone does respond would it be possible to give specific detailed information and allow me to respond back if i have any questions Thank you.
If the object of your concentration practice is the music, that is fine.

Indeed, many distractions arise in order to pull our attention away from the object of concentration.
8 years ago
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The first stage of learning to meditation is to develop concentration on one thing. To succeed, it is necessary to withdraw attention from everything but the single object of concentration. If you are concentrating on an image, then any other impression — sounds, smells, sensations of any kind — will distract you, and make it more difficult to focus attention.
8 years ago
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So does that mean the one thing shouldn’t be meditational music to start out with. i was somewhat successful when i was concentrating on Buddhist chants and with my eyes closed i could see swirling lights that were blue and yellow but they weren’t bright and from the middle of my back all the way down felt really hot almost instantly and i got scared and i stopped Would you tell me what was happening if you know.
8 years ago
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