By hashem on Thursday, 24 September 2015
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Dear gnostic instructors
I have the good grace and privilege to study under a very great Indian mystic and siddha master. His level of self mastery and attainment is miraculous, I have witnessed him turn his body In to light. His diksha has transformed me rapidly. One day I was having a discussion with him in which my master made reference to an eleged historical event, in which did not actually take place. I am now very confused as to how such a great soul can be deceived by a generally accepted misconception. I have also read master sAmuel himself make reference to this event, taking for granted that it is a fact, when it is not. I understAnd thAt the propaganda of the victor always becomes the history of the vanquished, however I find it strange that fully realised masters and avatars do not see through the deception. How is this so?
I comprehend the following quote.....
To properly understand the identity of Samael Aun Weor, it is necessary to understand the relationship between spirit, soul, and body as explained in the Kabbalah or in esoteric Buddhism. The terrestrial person or human soul (Tiphereth) is not the same entity as the Innermost (Chesed, the Inner Buddha), or our Father who is in secret (Kether, the Logos, Brahma).

"The human being in himself is nothing but a sinning shadow. Only the Seer of the seer, that is to say the Father who is in secret, is perfect." - Samael Aun Weor, The Aquarian Message

Further more in the hindu and Buddhist guru disciple disciple relationship methodology, a disciple is to see the master as an embodiment of Buddha or God. I recall the apostles of master jesus referring to him as the embodiment of the sun. Where can I learn more about the gnostic significance of this practice.? When a student is utilising this greAt vedic methodology for spiritual progress, than the student is required to take a word from the master as the same thing as a word from God, there are many reasons and benefits for this methodology , however, how is a student supposed to accept a flawed statement from a master? I understand that the sinning shadow of the human master is just a conduit, but I also uunderstand that there is a valid reason behind the methodology. How am I to understand this properly?
Rather than having me repeat, in a long-winded manner, a topic already stated with profundity and eloquence, I would like to refer you to the following lecture: study and meditate upon this!
8 years ago
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